Uses of Class
Uses of DoubleMatrix in ubic.basecode.datafilter
Methods in ubic.basecode.datafilter that return DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description DoubleMatrix<R,C>
ItemLevelFilter. filter(DoubleMatrix<R,C> data)
RowLevelFilter. filter(DoubleMatrix<R,C> data)
Methods in ubic.basecode.datafilter with parameters of type DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description DoubleMatrix<R,C>
ItemLevelFilter. filter(DoubleMatrix<R,C> data)
RowLevelFilter. filter(DoubleMatrix<R,C> data)
Uses of DoubleMatrix in ubic.basecode.dataStructure
Methods in ubic.basecode.dataStructure that return DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description static DoubleMatrix<String,String>
StringToStringSetMap. setMapToMatrix(StringToStringSetMap input)
Uses of DoubleMatrix in ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix
Subclasses of DoubleMatrix in ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix Modifier and Type Class Description class
Supports sparse matrices (where sparse means most values are zero, not that they are missing).class
A dense matrix of doubles that knows about row and column names.class
Dense 2D matrix implementation designed for very fast access of entire rows.class
A sparse matrix that knows about row and column names.class
A sparse matrix class where the rows are ragged and compressed.Methods in ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix that return DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description DoubleMatrix<R,C>
CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix. copy()
DenseDoubleMatrix. copy()
abstract DoubleMatrix<R,C>
DoubleMatrix. copy()
Create a deep copy of thisDoubleMatrix<R,C>
FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix. copy()
SparseDoubleMatrix. copy()
SparseRaggedDoubleMatrix. copy()
CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix. getColRange(int startCol, int endCol)
DenseDoubleMatrix. getColRange(int startCol, int endCol)
abstract DoubleMatrix<R,C>
DoubleMatrix. getColRange(int startCol, int endCol)
FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix. getColRange(int startCol, int endCol)
SparseDoubleMatrix. getColRange(int startCol, int endCol)
SparseRaggedDoubleMatrix. getColRange(int startCol, int endCol)
CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix. getRowRange(int startRow, int endRow)
DenseDoubleMatrix. getRowRange(int startRow, int endRow)
abstract DoubleMatrix<R,C>
DoubleMatrix. getRowRange(int startRow, int endRow)
FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix. getRowRange(int startRow, int endRow)
SparseDoubleMatrix. getRowRange(int startRow, int endRow)
SparseRaggedDoubleMatrix. getRowRange(int startRow, int endRow)
CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix. subsetColumns(List<C> columns)
DenseDoubleMatrix. subsetColumns(List<C> columns)
abstract DoubleMatrix<R,C>
DoubleMatrix. subsetColumns(List<C> columns)
Create a copy of this matrix with only the selected columns, in the selected order.DoubleMatrix<R,C>
FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix. subsetColumns(List<C> columns)
SparseDoubleMatrix. subsetColumns(List<C> columns)
SparseRaggedDoubleMatrix. subsetColumns(List<C> c)
CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix. subsetRows(List<R> rowNames)
DenseDoubleMatrix. subsetRows(List<R> rowNames)
abstract DoubleMatrix<R,C>
DoubleMatrix. subsetRows(List<R> rowNames)
Create a copy of this matrix with only the selected rows, in the selected order.DoubleMatrix<R,C>
FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix. subsetRows(List<R> rowNames)
SparseDoubleMatrix. subsetRows(List<R> rowNames)
SparseRaggedDoubleMatrix. subsetRows(List<R> rowNames)
CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix. transpose()
DenseDoubleMatrix. transpose()
abstract DoubleMatrix<C,R>
DoubleMatrix. transpose()
FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix. transpose()
SparseDoubleMatrix. transpose()
SparseRaggedDoubleMatrix. transpose()
Methods in ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix with parameters of type DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description static DenseDoubleMatrix<String,String>
DoubleMatrixFactory. dense(DoubleMatrix<String,String> T)
Creates a matrix in which the underlying data is a copy; the row and column labels are not copied. -
Uses of DoubleMatrix in
Fields in declared as DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Field Description protected DoubleMatrix<A,B>
ColorMatrix. maxtrix
Methods in that return DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description DoubleMatrix<A,B>
ColorMatrix. getMatrix()
MatrixDisplay. getMatrix()
ColorMatrix. getMaxtrix()
Methods in with parameters of type DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description static <R,C>
ColorMatrix<R,C>ColorMatrix. newInstance(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Constructors in with parameters of type DoubleMatrix Constructor Description ColorMatrix(DoubleMatrix<A,B> matrix)
ColorMatrix(DoubleMatrix<A,B> matrix, Color[] colorMap, Color missingColor)
MatrixDisplay(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Uses of DoubleMatrix in
Methods in that return DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description protected DoubleMatrix<String,String>
DoubleMatrixReader. createMatrix(List<cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList> MTemp, List<String> rowNames, List<String> colNames1)
DoubleMatrixReader. read(InputStream stream)
DoubleMatrixReader. read(InputStream stream, Collection<String> wantedRowNames)
DoubleMatrixReader. read(InputStream stream, Collection<String> wantedRowNames, boolean createEmptyRows, int skipColumns, int maxRows)
DoubleMatrixReader. read(InputStream stream, Collection<String> wantedRowNames, int numberOfColumnsToSkip)
DoubleMatrixReader. read(String filename)
DoubleMatrixReader. read(String filename, int maxRows)
DoubleMatrixReader. read(String filename, Collection<String> wantedRowNames)
Read a matrix from a file, subject to filtering criteria.DoubleMatrix<String,String>
DoubleMatrixReader. read(String fileName, Collection<String> wantedRowNames, int numberOfColumnsToSkip)
SparseDoubleMatrixReader. read(InputStream stream)
Read a sparse matrix that is expressed as an adjacency list in a tab-delimited file:DoubleMatrix<String,String>
SparseDoubleMatrixReader. read(InputStream stream, Collection<String> wantedRowNames)
SparseDoubleMatrixReader. read(InputStream stream, Collection<String> wantedRowNames, boolean createEmptyRows, int skipColumns, int maxRows)
SparseRaggedMatrixReader. read(InputStream stream, int offset)
Read an entire sparse matrix from a stream (JW format).DoubleMatrix<String,String>
SparseRaggedMatrixReader. readFromAdjList(InputStream stream)
SparseRaggedMatrixReader. readFromAdjList(String fileName)
Read a sparse symmetric square matrix that is expressed as an adjacency list in a tab-delimited file:DoubleMatrix<String,String>
SparseDoubleMatrixReader. readJW(InputStream stream)
Read a sparse matrix in "JW" (Jason Weston) format.DoubleMatrix<String,String>
SparseRaggedMatrixReader. readOneRow(BufferedReader dis, int offset)
Use this to read one row from a matrix (JW format). -
Uses of DoubleMatrix in ubic.basecode.math
Methods in ubic.basecode.math that return DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description static <R,C>
DoubleMatrix<R,C>MatrixStats. convertToLog2Cpm(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix, cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D librarySize)
Convert a count matrix to log2 counts per million.static <R,C>
DoubleMatrix<R,R>MatrixStats. correlationMatrix(DoubleMatrix<R,C> data)
Compute the correlation matrix of the rows of a matrix.static <R,C>
DoubleMatrix<R,C>MatrixStats. doubleStandardize(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Iteratively standardize the columns and rows of the matrix.DoubleMatrix<R,C>
MatrixNormalizer. quantileNormalize(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Rows with all missing will not be returned.static <R,C>
DoubleMatrix<R,C>MatrixStats. standardize(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Scale the rows of the matrix; returns a new matrix.Methods in ubic.basecode.math with parameters of type DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description static <R,C>
cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1DMatrixStats. colSums(DoubleMatrix<R,C> data)
NaN values are omitted from calculations.static <R,C>
voidMatrixStats. convertToLog2(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix, double base)
Convert a log_b-transformed data set to log 2.static <R,C>
DoubleMatrix<R,C>MatrixStats. convertToLog2Cpm(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix, cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D librarySize)
Convert a count matrix to log2 counts per million.static <R,C>
DoubleMatrix<R,R>MatrixStats. correlationMatrix(DoubleMatrix<R,C> data)
Compute the correlation matrix of the rows of a matrix.static <R,C>
SparseDoubleMatrix<R,R>MatrixStats. correlationMatrix(DoubleMatrix<R,C> data, double threshold)
static <R,C>
DoubleMatrix<R,C>MatrixStats. doubleStandardize(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Iteratively standardize the columns and rows of the matrix.static <R,C>
voidMatrixStats. logTransform(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Log-transform the values in a matrix (log base 2).static <R,C>
doubleMatrixStats. max(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Compute the maximum value in the matrix.static <R,C>
cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayListMatrixRowStats. means(DoubleMatrix<R,C> M)
Calculates the means of a matrix's rows.static <R,C>
doubleMatrixStats. min(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Find the minimum of the entire matrix.DoubleMatrix<R,C>
MatrixNormalizer. quantileNormalize(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Rows with all missing will not be returned.static <R,C>
voidMatrixStats. rbfNormalize(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrixToNormalize, double sigma)
Normalize a matrix in place to be a transition matrix.static <R,C>
cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayListMatrixRowStats. sampleStandardDeviations(DoubleMatrix<R,C> M)
Calculates the sample standard deviation of each row of a matrixstatic <R,C>
DoubleMatrix<R,C>MatrixStats. standardize(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Scale the rows of the matrix; returns a new matrix.static <R,C>
cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayListMatrixRowStats. sumOfSquares(DoubleMatrix<R,C> M)
Calculates the sum of squares for each row of a matrixstatic <R,C>
cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayListMatrixRowStats. sums(DoubleMatrix<R,C> M)
Calculate the sums of a matrix's rows.static <R,C>
voidMatrixStats. unLogTransform(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Undo log2 transform. -
Uses of DoubleMatrix in ubic.basecode.math.linalg
Methods in ubic.basecode.math.linalg that return DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description DoubleMatrix<Integer,Integer>
SingularValueDecomposition. getS()
SingularValueDecomposition. getU()
SingularValueDecomposition. getV()
Constructors in ubic.basecode.math.linalg with parameters of type DoubleMatrix Constructor Description SingularValueDecomposition(DoubleMatrix<R,C> matrix)
Uses of DoubleMatrix in ubic.basecode.math.linearmodels
Methods in ubic.basecode.math.linearmodels that return DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description DoubleMatrix<String,String>
LinearModelSummary. getContrastCoefficients()
DesignMatrix. getMatrix()
Constructors in ubic.basecode.math.linearmodels with parameters of type DoubleMatrix Constructor Description LeastSquaresFit(ObjectMatrix<String,String,Object> design, DoubleMatrix<String,String> b)
NamedMatrix allows easier handling of the results.LeastSquaresFit(ObjectMatrix<String,String,Object> design, DoubleMatrix<String,String> data, boolean interactions)
NamedMatrix allows easier handling of the results.LeastSquaresFit(DesignMatrix designMatrix, DoubleMatrix<String,String> data)
Preferred interface if you want control over how the design is set up.LeastSquaresFit(DesignMatrix designMatrix, DoubleMatrix<String,String> data, cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D weights)
Weighted least squares fit between two matricesLinearModelSummary(String k, Double[] coefficients, Double[] residuals, List<String> terms, DoubleMatrix<String,String> contrastCoefficients, Double[] effects, Double[] stdevUnscaled, double rsquared, double adjRsquared, double fstat, Integer ndof, Integer ddof, GenericAnovaResult anovaResult, double sigma, boolean isShrunken)
MeanVarianceEstimator(DesignMatrix designMatrix, DoubleMatrix<String,String> data, cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D librarySize)
Preferred interface if you want control over how the design is set up. -
Uses of DoubleMatrix in ubic.basecode.util
Methods in ubic.basecode.util with parameters of type DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description static boolean
RegressionTesting. closeEnough(DoubleMatrix<?,?> expected, DoubleMatrix<?,?> actual, double tolerance)
Test whether two AbstractNamedDoubleMatrix are 'close enough' to call equal. -
Uses of DoubleMatrix in ubic.basecode.util.r
Methods in ubic.basecode.util.r that return DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description DoubleMatrix<String,String>
JRIClient. retrieveMatrix(String variableName)
RClient. retrieveMatrix(String variableName)
Get a matrix back out of the R context.DoubleMatrix<String,String>
RServeClient. retrieveMatrix(String variableName)
Methods in ubic.basecode.util.r with parameters of type DoubleMatrix Modifier and Type Method Description String
AbstractRClient. assignMatrix(DoubleMatrix<?,?> matrix)
AbstractRClient. assignMatrix(DoubleMatrix<?,?> matrix, org.apache.commons.collections4.Transformer rowNameExtractor)
RClient. assignMatrix(DoubleMatrix<?,?> matrix)
Assign a 2-d matrix.String
RClient. assignMatrix(DoubleMatrix<?,?> matrix, org.apache.commons.collections4.Transformer rowNameExtractor)
Assign a 2-d matrix.