Class | Description |
Constants |
Used in some ports of statistical code.
CorrelationStats |
Statistical evaluation and transformation tools for correlations.
DescriptiveWithMissing |
Mathematical functions for statistics that allow missing values without scotching the calculations.
Distance |
Alternative distance and similarity metrics for vectors.
KruskalWallis |
Perform a Kruskal-Wallis test.
KSTest |
Class to perform the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
MathUtil | |
MatrixNormalizer<R,C> | |
MatrixRowStats |
Convenience functions for getting row statistics from matrices.
MatrixStats | |
MultipleTestCorrection |
Methods for p-value correction of sets of hypothesis tests.
PrecisionRecall |
Compute area under precision recall
RandomChooser |
Fill arrays with random values
Rank |
Calculate rank statistics for arrays.
Functions for calculating Receiver operator characteristics.
Smooth |
Methods for moving averages, loess
SpecFunc |
Assorted special functions, primarily concerning probability distributions.
Stats |
Miscellaneous functions used for statistical analysis.
StringDistance | |
Wilcoxon |
Implements methods from supplementary file I of "Comparing functional annotation analyses with Catmap", Thomas
Breslin, Patrik Ed�n and Morten Krogh, BMC Bioinformatics 2004, 5:193 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-5-193
Note that in the Catmap code, zero-based ranks are used, but these are converted to one-based before computation of
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