anova-oneway [-l: log transform; -v: verbose output; -r: format line needs to be removed] <data> <layout>
- data: A tab-delimited data file, where each row represents a set of measurements to be analyzed. A p value is generated for each
row in the file. See the detailed instructions for the format.
- layout: A simple file describing the experimental design. See the documentation of the format.
The following columns will be present at minimum. If you select 'verbose' output, more columns will be present.
- The gene identifier
- The F statistic
- The p value.
- -r: The data file includes an extra line after the first line. (See the data format page for an explanation)
- -l: Use the log transformation of the data. Do not use this if your data includes non-positive values.
- -v: Provide more verbose output.
- Stats.pm
- This isn't a dependency, but gnu sort is useful for processing the output.
- This program has not been extensively tested. It only works when you have equal numbers of replicates.
- Need better checking for valid layout.
Version history