View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * The baseCode project
3    *
4    * Copyright (c) 2006 University of British Columbia
5    *
6    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16   * limitations under the License.
17   *
18   */
19  package ubic.basecode.util.r;
21  import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
22  import org.rosuda.REngine.REXP;
23  import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPMismatchException;
24  import org.rosuda.REngine.REngineException;
25  import org.rosuda.REngine.RList;
26  import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.RConnection;
27  import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.RserveException;
28  import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DenseDoubleMatrix;
29  import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix;
30  import ubic.basecode.util.Configuration;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import java.util.Iterator;
35  import java.util.List;
37  /**
38   * @author pavlidis
39   *
40   */
41  public class RServeClient extends AbstractRClient {
43      /**
44       *
45       */
46      private static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 6311;
48      private static final int MAX_CONNECT_TRIES = 10;
50      private static final int MAX_EVAL_TRIES = 3;
52      private final static String os = System.getProperty( "" ).toLowerCase();
54      protected static String findRserveCommand() {
55          String rserveExecutable = Configuration.getString( "rserve.start.command" );
56          if ( StringUtils.isBlank( rserveExecutable ) ) {
57     "Rserve command not configured? Trying fallbacks" );
58              if ( os.startsWith( "windows" ) ) { // lower cased
59                  rserveExecutable = System.getenv( "R_HOME" ) + File.separator + "library" + File.separator + "Rserve"
60                          + File.separator + "Rserve.exe";
61              } else {
62                  rserveExecutable = "R CMD Rserve";
63              }
64          }
65          return rserveExecutable;
66      }
68      private RConnection connection = null;
70      /**
71       * Gets connection on default host (localhost) and port (6311)
72       *
73       * @throws IOException
74       */
75      protected RServeClient() throws IOException {
76          if ( !connect() ) {
77              throw new IOException( "Could not connect to Rserve" );
78          }
79      }
81      /**
82       * @param host
83       * @throws IOException
84       */
85      protected RServeClient( String host ) throws IOException {
86          if ( !connect( host, DEFAULT_PORT ) ) {
87              throw new IOException( "Could not connect to Rserve" );
88          }
89      }
91      /*
92       * (non-Javadoc)
93       *
94       * @see ubic.basecode.util.RClient#assign(java.lang.String, double[])
95       */
96      @Override
97      public void assign( String argName, double[] arg ) {
98          checkConnection();
100         try {
101             connection.assign( argName, arg );
102         } catch ( REngineException e ) {
103             throw new RuntimeException( e );
104         }
106     }
108     /*
109      * (non-Javadoc)
110      *
111      * @see ubic.basecode.util.RClient#assign(java.lang.String, int[])
112      */
113     @Override
114     public void assign( String arg0, int[] arg1 ) {
115         if ( StringUtils.isBlank( arg0 ) ) {
116             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Must supply valid variable name" );
117         }
118         checkConnection();
119         try {
120             connection.assign( arg0, arg1 );
121         } catch ( REngineException e ) {
122             throw new RuntimeException( e );
123         }
124     }
126     /*
127      * (non-Javadoc)
128      *
129      * @see org.rosuda.JRclient.Rconnection#assign(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
130      */
131     /*
132      * (non-Javadoc)
133      *
134      * @see ubic.basecode.util.RClient#assign(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
135      */
136     @Override
137     public void assign( String sym, String ct ) {
138         if ( StringUtils.isBlank( sym ) ) {
139             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Must supply valid variable name" );
140         }
141         try {
142             this.checkConnection();
143             connection.assign( sym, ct );
144         } catch ( RserveException e ) {
145             throw new RuntimeException( "Assignment failed: " + sym + " value " + ct, e );
146         }
147     }
149     /*
150      * (non-Javadoc)
151      *
152      * @see ubic.basecode.util.RClient#assign(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
153      */
154     @Override
155     public void assign( String argName, String[] array ) {
156         if ( array == null || array.length == 0 ) {
157             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Array must not be null or empty" );
158         }
159         if ( StringUtils.isBlank( argName ) ) {
160             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Must supply valid variable name" );
161         }
162         try {
163             log.debug( "assign: " + argName + "<-" + array.length + " strings." );
164             this.checkConnection();
165             connection.assign( argName, array );
166         } catch ( REngineException e ) {
167             throw new RuntimeException( "Failure with assignment: " + argName + "<-" + array.length + " strings." + e );
168         }
169     }
171     /**
172      *
173      *
174      */
175     public boolean connect() {
176         return connect( true );
177     }
179     @Override
180     public void disconnect() {
181         if ( connection != null && connection.isConnected() ) connection.close();
182         connection = null;
183     }
185     /*
186      * (non-Javadoc)
187      *
188      * @see ubic.basecode.util.r.RClient#eval(java.lang.String)
189      */
190     @Override
191     public REXP eval( String command ) {
192         log.debug( "eval: " + command );
194         int lockValue = 0;
195         try {
197             /*
198              * Failures due to communication? try repeatedly.
199              */
200             for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_EVAL_TRIES + 1; i++ ) {
201                 RuntimeException ex = null;
202                 try {
203                     checkConnection();
204                     lockValue = connection.lock();
205                     REXP r = connection.eval( "try(" + command + ", silent=T)" );
206                     if ( r == null ) return null;
208                     if ( r.inherits( "try-error" ) ) {
209                         /*
210                          * This is not an eval error that would warrant a retry.
211                          */
212                         throw new RuntimeException( "Error from R: " + r.asString() );
213                     }
214                     return r;
216                 } catch ( RserveException e ) {
217                     ex = new RuntimeException( "Error excecuting " + command + ": " + e.getMessage(), e );
218                 } catch ( REXPMismatchException e ) {
219                     throw new RuntimeException( "Error processing apparent error object returned by " + command + ": "
220                             + e.getMessage(), e );
221                 }
223                 if ( i == MAX_EVAL_TRIES ) {
224                     throw ex;
225                 }
227                 try {
228                     log.debug( "Eval failed, retrying" );
229                     Thread.sleep( 200 );
230                 } catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
231                     return null;
232                 }
234             }
236             throw new RuntimeException( "Evaluation failed! No details available" );
237         } finally {
238             if ( lockValue != 0 ) connection.unlock( lockValue );
239         }
240     }
242     /*
243      * (non-Javadoc)
244      *
245      * @see java.lang.Object#finalize()
246      */
247     @Override
248     public void finalize() {
249         this.disconnect();
250     }
252     /*
253      * (non-Javadoc)
254      *
255      * @see ubic.basecode.util.RClient#getLastError()
256      */
257     @Override
258     public String getLastError() {
259         return connection.getLastError();
260     }
262     /**
263      *
264      */
265     @Override
266     public boolean isConnected() {
267         if ( connection != null && connection.isConnected() ) return true;
268         return false;
269     }
271     /*
272      * (non-Javadoc)
273      *
274      * @see ubic.basecode.util.RClient#retrieveMatrix(java.lang.String)
275      */
276     @Override
277     public DoubleMatrix<String, String> retrieveMatrix( String variableName ) {
278         try {
279             log.debug( "Retrieving " + variableName );
281             // REXP clr = this.eval( "class(" + variableName + ")" );
282             // clr.asString() );
284             // note that for some reason, asDoubleMatrix is returning a 1-d array. So I do this.
285             REXP r = this.eval( "data.frame(t(" + variableName + "))" );
286             if ( r == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( variableName + " not found in R context" );
288             RList dataframe = r.asList();
289             int numrows = dataframe.size();
290             double[][] results = new double[numrows][];
291             int i = 0;
292             for ( Iterator<?> it = dataframe.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
293                 REXP next = ( REXP );
294                 double[] row = next.asDoubles();
295                 results[i] = row;
296                 i++;
297             }
299             DoubleMatrix<String, String> resultObject = new DenseDoubleMatrix<String, String>( results );
301             retrieveRowAndColumnNames( variableName, resultObject );
302             return resultObject;
303         } catch ( REXPMismatchException e ) {
304             throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to get back matrix for variable " + variableName, e );
305         }
307     }
309     /*
310      * (non-Javadoc)
311      *
312      * @see ubic.basecode.util.RClient#voidEval(java.lang.String)
313      */
314     @Override
315     public void voidEval( String command ) {
316         if ( command == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Null command" );
317         this.checkConnection();
319         log.debug( "voidEval: " + command );
320         eval( command );
322     }
324     /**
325      *
326      */
327     private void checkConnection() {
328         if ( !this.isConnected() ) {
330             /*
331              * This often won't work. Even if we reconnect, state will have been lost. However, under normal
332              * circumstances (over a local network) connection loss should be very rare.
333              */
334             log.warn( "Not connected, trying to reconnect" );
335             boolean ok = false;
336             for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECT_TRIES; i++ ) {
337                 try {
338                     Thread.sleep( 200 );
339                 } catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
340                     return;
341                 }
342                 ok = this.connect();
343                 if ( ok ) break;
344             }
345             if ( !ok ) {
346                 throw new RuntimeException( "Not connected" );
347             }
348         }
349     }
351     /**
352      * @param beQuiet
353      */
354     private boolean connect( boolean beQuiet ) {
355         if ( connection != null && connection.isConnected() ) {
356             return true;
357         }
358         int tries = 3;
359         Exception ex = null;
360         for ( int i = 0; i < tries; i++ ) {
361             try {
362                 connection = new RConnection();
363                 return true;
364             } catch ( RserveException e ) {
365                 ex = e;
366                 try {
367                     Thread.sleep( 100 );
368                 } catch ( InterruptedException e1 ) {
369                     return false;
370                 }
371             }
372         }
373         if ( !beQuiet ) {
374             log.error( "Could not connect to RServe: " + ( ex == null ? "" : ex.getMessage() ) );
375         }
376         return false;
377     }
379     /**
380      * @param host
381      * @param port
382      * @return
383      */
384     private boolean connect( String host, int port ) {
385         if ( connection != null && connection.isConnected() ) {
386             return true;
387         }
388         try {
389             connection = new RConnection( host, port );
390         } catch ( RserveException e ) {
391             log.error( "Could not connect to RServe: " + e.getMessage() );
392             return false;
393         }
394 "Connected via RServe." );
395         return true;
396     }
398     /**
399      * @param variableName
400      * @param resultObject
401      * @throws REXPMismatchException
402      */
403     private void retrieveRowAndColumnNames( String variableName, DoubleMatrix<String, String> resultObject ) {
404         List<String> rowNames = this.stringListEval( "dimnames(" + variableName + ")[1][[1]]" );
406         if ( rowNames.size() == resultObject.rows() ) {
407             resultObject.setRowNames( rowNames );
408         }
410         List<String> colNames = this.stringListEval( "dimnames(" + variableName + ")[2][[1]]" );
412         if ( colNames.size() == resultObject.columns() ) {
413             resultObject.setColumnNames( colNames );
414         }
415     }
417 }