View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * The baseCode project
3    *
4    * Copyright (c) 2011 University of British Columbia
5    *
6    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
12   * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
13   * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
14   */
15  package ubic.basecode.math.linearmodels;
17  import;
18  import;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import java.util.ArrayList;
22  import java.util.Arrays;
23  import java.util.Collection;
24  import java.util.HashMap;
25  import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
26  import java.util.List;
27  import java.util.Map;
28  import java.util.Set;
29  import java.util.TreeMap;
30  import java.util.TreeSet;
32  import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
33  import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
34  import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch;
35  import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.FDistribution;
36  import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.TDistribution;
37  import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NotStrictlyPositiveException;
38  import org.slf4j.Logger;
39  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
41  import cern.colt.bitvector.BitVector;
42  import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList;
43  import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D;
44  import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D;
45  import cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix1D;
46  import cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix2D;
47  import cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Algebra;
48  import cern.jet.math.Functions;
49  import cern.jet.stat.Descriptive;
50  import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix;
51  import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrixFactory;
52  import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.MatrixUtil;
53  import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.ObjectMatrix;
54  import ubic.basecode.math.Constants;
55  import ubic.basecode.math.linalg.QRDecomposition;
56  import ubic.basecode.util.r.type.AnovaEffect;
58  /**
59   * For performing "bulk" linear model fits, but also offers simple methods for simple univariate and multivariate
60   * regression for a single vector of dependent variables (data). Has support for ebayes-like shrinkage of variance.
61   * <p>
62   * Data with missing values is handled but is less memory efficient and somewhat slower. The main cost is that when
63   * there are no missing values, a single QR decomposition can be performed.
64   *
65   * @author paul
66   */
67  public class LeastSquaresFit {
69      private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LeastSquaresFit.class);
71      /**
72       * For ebayes
73       */
74      boolean hasBeenShrunken = false;
76      /**
77       * The (raw) design matrix
78       */
79      private DoubleMatrix2D A;
81      /**
82       * Lists which factors (terms) are associated with which columns of the design matrix; 0 indicates the intercept.
83       * Used for ANOVA
84       */
85      private List<Integer> assign = new ArrayList<>();
87      /**
88       * Row-specific assign values, for use when there are missing values; Used for ANOVA
89       */
90      private List<List<Integer>> assigns = new ArrayList<>();
92      /**
93       * Independent variables - data
94       */
95      private DoubleMatrix2D b;
97      /**
98       * Model fit coefficients (the x in Ax=b)
99       */
100     private DoubleMatrix2D coefficients = null;
102     /**
103      * Original design matrix, if provided or generated from constructor arguments.
104      */
105     private DesignMatrix designMatrix;
107     /**
108      * For ebayes. Default value is zero
109      */
110     private double dfPrior = 0;
112     /**
113      * Fitted values
114      */
115     private DoubleMatrix2D fitted;
117     /**
118      * True if model includes intercept
119      */
120     private boolean hasIntercept = true;
122     /**
123      * True if data has missing values.
124      */
125     private boolean hasMissing = false;
127     /**
128      * QR decomposition of the design matrix; will only be non-null if the QR is the same for all data.
129      */
130     private QRDecomposition qr = null;
132     /**
133      * Used if we have missing values so QR might be different for each row. The key
134      * is the bitvector representing the values present. DO NOT
135      * ACCESS DIRECTLY, use the getQR methods.
136      */
137     private Map<BitVector, QRDecomposition> qrs = new HashMap<>();
139     /**
140      * Used if we are using weighted regresion, so QR is different for each row. DO NOT
141      * ACCESS DIRECTLY, use the getQR methods.
142      */
143     private Map<Integer, QRDecomposition> qrsForWeighted = new HashMap<>();
145     private int residualDof = -1;
147     /**
148      * Used if we have missing value so RDOF might be different for each row (we can actually get away without this)
149      */
150     private List<Integer> residualDofs = new ArrayList<>();
152     /**
153      * Residuals of the fit
154      */
155     private DoubleMatrix2D residuals = null;
157     /**
158      * Optional, but useful
159      */
160     private List<String> rowNames;
162     /**
163      * Map of data rows to sdUnscaled (a la limma) Use of treemap: probably not necessary.
164      */
165     private Map<Integer, DoubleMatrix1D> stdevUnscaled = new TreeMap<>();
167     /**
168      * Names of the factors (terms)
169      */
170     private List<String> terms;
172     /**
173      * Map of row indices to values-present key.
174      */
175     private Map<Integer, BitVector> valuesPresentMap = new HashMap<>();
177     /**
178      * ebayes per-item variance estimates (if computed, null otherwise)
179      */
180     private DoubleMatrix1D varPost = null;
182     /**
183      * prior variance estimate (if computed, null otherwise)
184      */
185     private Double varPrior = null;
187     /*
188      * For weighted regression
189      */
190     private DoubleMatrix2D weights = null;
192     /**
193      * Preferred interface if you want control over how the design is set up.
194      *
195      * @param designMatrix
196      * @param data
197      */
198     public LeastSquaresFit(DesignMatrix designMatrix, DoubleMatrix<String, String> data) {
199         this.designMatrix = designMatrix;
200         this.A = designMatrix.getDoubleMatrix();
201         this.assign = designMatrix.getAssign();
202         this.terms = designMatrix.getTerms();
204         this.rowNames = data.getRowNames();
205         this.b = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(data.asArray());
206         boolean hasInterceptTerm = this.terms.contains(LinearModelSummary.INTERCEPT_COEFFICIENT_NAME);
207         this.hasIntercept = designMatrix.hasIntercept();
208         assert hasInterceptTerm == this.hasIntercept : diagnosis(null);
209         fit();
210     }
212     /**
213      * Weighted least squares fit between two matrices
214      *
215      * @param designMatrix
216      * @param data
217      * @param weights      to be used in modifying the influence of the observations in data.
218      */
219     public LeastSquaresFit(DesignMatrix designMatrix, DoubleMatrix<String, String> data,
220                            final DoubleMatrix2D weights) {
221         this.designMatrix = designMatrix;
222         DoubleMatrix2D X = designMatrix.getDoubleMatrix();
223         this.assign = designMatrix.getAssign();
224         this.terms = designMatrix.getTerms();
225         this.A = X;
226         this.rowNames = data.getRowNames();
227         this.b = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(data.asArray());
228         boolean hasInterceptTerm = this.terms.contains(LinearModelSummary.INTERCEPT_COEFFICIENT_NAME);
229         this.hasIntercept = designMatrix.hasIntercept();
230         assert hasInterceptTerm == this.hasIntercept : diagnosis(null);
231         this.weights = weights;
232         fit();
233     }
235     /**
236      * Preferred interface for weighted least squares fit between two matrices
237      *
238      * @param designMatrix
239      * @param b            the data
240      * @param weights      to be used in modifying the influence of the observations in vectorB.
241      */
242     public LeastSquaresFit(DesignMatrix designMatrix, DoubleMatrix2D b, final DoubleMatrix2D weights) {
244         this.designMatrix = designMatrix;
245         DoubleMatrix2D X = designMatrix.getDoubleMatrix();
246         this.assign = designMatrix.getAssign();
247         this.terms = designMatrix.getTerms();
248         this.A = X;
249         this.b = b;
250         boolean hasInterceptTerm = this.terms.contains(LinearModelSummary.INTERCEPT_COEFFICIENT_NAME);
251         this.hasIntercept = designMatrix.hasIntercept();
252         assert hasInterceptTerm == this.hasIntercept : diagnosis(null);
254         this.weights = weights;
256         fit();
258     }
260     /**
261      * Least squares fit between two vectors. Always adds an intercept!
262      *
263      * @param vectorA Design
264      * @param vectorB Data
265      */
266     public LeastSquaresFit(DoubleMatrix1D vectorA, DoubleMatrix1D vectorB) {
267         assert vectorA.size() == vectorB.size();
269         this.A = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(vectorA.size(), 2);
270         this.b = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(1, vectorB.size());
272         for (int i = 0; i < vectorA.size(); i++) {
273             A.set(i, 0, 1);
274             A.set(i, 1, vectorA.get(i));
275             b.set(0, i, vectorB.get(i));
276         }
278         fit();
279     }
281     /**
282      * Stripped-down interface for simple use. Least squares fit between two vectors. Always adds an intercept!
283      *
284      * @param vectorA Design
285      * @param vectorB Data
286      * @param weights to be used in modifying the influence of the observations in vectorB.
287      */
288     public LeastSquaresFit(DoubleMatrix1D vectorA, DoubleMatrix1D vectorB, final DoubleMatrix1D weights) {
290         assert vectorA.size() == vectorB.size();
291         assert vectorA.size() == weights.size();
293         this.A = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(vectorA.size(), 2);
294         this.b = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(1, vectorB.size());
295         this.weights = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(1, weights.size());
297         for (int i = 0; i < vectorA.size(); i++) {
298             //   double ws = Math.sqrt( weights.get( i ) );
299             A.set(i, 0, 1);
300             A.set(i, 1, vectorA.get(i));
301             b.set(0, i, vectorB.get(i));
302             this.weights.set(0, i, weights.get(i));
303         }
305         fit();
306     }
308     /**
309      * ANOVA not possible (use the other constructors)
310      *
311      * @param A Design matrix, which will be used directly in least squares regression
312      * @param b Data matrix, containing data in rows.
313      */
314     public LeastSquaresFit(DoubleMatrix2D A, DoubleMatrix2D b) {
315         this.A = A;
316         this.b = b;
317         fit();
318     }
320     /**
321      * Weighted least squares fit between two matrices
322      *
323      * @param A       Design
324      * @param b       Data
325      * @param weights to be used in modifying the influence of the observations in b. If null, will be ignored.
326      */
327     public LeastSquaresFit(DoubleMatrix2D A, DoubleMatrix2D b, final DoubleMatrix2D weights) {
328         assert A != null;
329         assert b != null;
330         assert A.rows() == b.columns();
331         assert weights == null || b.columns() == weights.columns();
332         assert weights == null || b.rows() == weights.rows();
334         this.A = A;
335         this.b = b;
336         this.weights = weights;
338         fit();
340     }
342     /**
343      * @param sampleInfo information that will be converted to a design matrix; intercept term is added.
344      * @param data       Data matrix
345      */
346     public LeastSquaresFit(ObjectMatrix<String, String, Object> sampleInfo, DenseDoubleMatrix2D data) {
348         this.designMatrix = new DesignMatrix(sampleInfo, true);
350         this.hasIntercept = true;
351         this.A = designMatrix.getDoubleMatrix();
352         this.assign = designMatrix.getAssign();
353         this.terms = designMatrix.getTerms();
355         this.b = data;
356         fit();
357     }
359     /**
360      * @param sampleInfo
361      * @param data
362      * @param interactions add interaction term (two-way only is supported)
363      */
364     public LeastSquaresFit(ObjectMatrix<String, String, Object> sampleInfo, DenseDoubleMatrix2D data,
365                            boolean interactions) {
366         this.designMatrix = new DesignMatrix(sampleInfo, true);
368         if (interactions) {
369             addInteraction();
370         }
372         this.A = designMatrix.getDoubleMatrix();
373         this.assign = designMatrix.getAssign();
374         this.terms = designMatrix.getTerms();
376         this.b = data;
377         fit();
378     }
380     /**
381      * NamedMatrix allows easier handling of the results.
382      *
383      * @param design information that will be converted to a design matrix; intercept term is added.
384      * @param b      Data matrix
385      */
386     public LeastSquaresFit(ObjectMatrix<String, String, Object> design, DoubleMatrix<String, String> b) {
387         this.designMatrix = new DesignMatrix(design, true);
389         this.A = designMatrix.getDoubleMatrix();
390         this.assign = designMatrix.getAssign();
391         this.terms = designMatrix.getTerms();
393         this.b = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(b.asArray());
394         this.rowNames = b.getRowNames();
395         fit();
396     }
398     /**
399      * NamedMatrix allows easier handling of the results.
400      *
401      * @param design information that will be converted to a design matrix; intercept term is added.
402      * @param data   Data matrix
403      */
404     public LeastSquaresFit(ObjectMatrix<String, String, Object> design, DoubleMatrix<String, String> data,
405                            boolean interactions) {
406         this.designMatrix = new DesignMatrix(design, true);
408         if (interactions) {
409             addInteraction();
410         }
412         DoubleMatrix2D X = designMatrix.getDoubleMatrix();
413         this.assign = designMatrix.getAssign();
414         this.terms = designMatrix.getTerms();
415         this.A = X;
416         this.b = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(data.asArray());
417         fit();
418     }
420     /**
421      * The matrix of coefficients x for Ax = b (parameter estimates). Each column represents one fitted model (e.g., one
422      * gene); there is a row for each parameter.
423      *
424      * @return
425      */
426     public DoubleMatrix2D getCoefficients() {
427         return coefficients;
428     }
430     public double getDfPrior() {
431         return dfPrior;
432     }
434     public DoubleMatrix2D getFitted() {
435         return fitted;
436     }
438     public int getResidualDof() {
439         return residualDof;
440     }
442     public List<Integer> getResidualDofs() {
443         return residualDofs;
444     }
446     public DoubleMatrix2D getResiduals() {
447         return residuals;
448     }
450     /**
451      * @return externally studentized residuals (assumes we have only one QR)
452      */
453     public DoubleMatrix2D getStudentizedResiduals() {
454         int dof = this.residualDof - 1; // MINUS for external studentizing!!
456         assert dof > 0;
458         if (this.hasMissing) {
459             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Studentizing not supported with missing values");
460         }
462         DoubleMatrix2D result =;
464         /*
465          * Diagnonal of the hat matrix at i (hi) is the squared norm of the ith row of Q
466          */
467         DoubleMatrix2D q = this.getQR(0).getQ();
469         DoubleMatrix1D hatdiag = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(residuals.columns());
470         for (int j = 0; j < residuals.columns(); j++) {
471             double hj = q.viewRow(j).aggregate(, Functions.square);
472             if (1.0 - hj < Constants.TINY) {
473                 hj = 1.0;
474             }
475             hatdiag.set(j, hj);
476         }
478         /*
479          * Measure sum of squares of residuals / residualDof
480          */
481         for (int i = 0; i < residuals.rows(); i++) {
483             // these are 'internally studentized'
484             // double sdhat = Math.sqrt( residuals.viewRow( i ).aggregate(, Functions.square ) / dof );
486             DoubleMatrix1D residualRow = residuals.viewRow(i);
488             if (this.weights != null) {
489                 // use weighted residuals.
490                 DoubleMatrix1D w = weights.viewRow(i).copy().assign(Functions.sqrt);
491                 residualRow = residualRow.copy().assign(w, Functions.mult);
492             }
494             double sum = residualRow.aggregate(, Functions.square);
496             for (int j = 0; j < residualRow.size(); j++) {
498                 double hj = hatdiag.get(j);
500                 // this is how we externalize...
501                 double sigma;
503                 if (hj < 1.0) {
504                     sigma = Math.sqrt((sum - Math.pow(residualRow.get(j), 2) / (1.0 - hj)) / dof);
505                 } else {
506                     sigma = Math.sqrt(sum / dof);
507                 }
509                 double res = residualRow.getQuick(j);
510                 double studres = res / (sigma * Math.sqrt(1.0 - hj));
512                 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("sigma=" + sigma + " hj=" + hj + " stres=" + studres);
514                 result.set(i, j, studres);
515             }
516         }
517         return result;
518     }
520     public DoubleMatrix1D getVarPost() {
521         return varPost;
522     }
524     public double getVarPrior() {
525         return varPrior;
526     }
528     public DoubleMatrix2D getWeights() {
529         return weights;
530     }
532     public boolean isHasBeenShrunken() {
533         return hasBeenShrunken;
534     }
536     public boolean isHasMissing() {
537         return hasMissing;
538     }
540     /**
541      * @return summaries. ANOVA will not be computed. If ebayesUpdate has been run, variance and degrees of freedom
542      * estimated using the limma eBayes algorithm will be used.
543      */
544     public List<LinearModelSummary> summarize() {
545         return this.summarize(false);
546     }
548     /**
549      * @param anova if true, ANOVA will be computed
550      * @return
551      */
552     public List<LinearModelSummary> summarize(boolean anova) {
553         List<LinearModelSummary> lmsresults = new ArrayList<>();
555         List<GenericAnovaResult> anovas = null;
556         if (anova) {
557             anovas = this.anova();
558         }
560         StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
561         timer.start();
563         for (int i = 0; i < this.coefficients.columns(); i++) {
564             LinearModelSummary lms = summarize(i);
565             lms.setAnova(anovas != null ? anovas.get(i) : null);
566             lmsresults.add(lms);
567             if (timer.getTime() > 10000 && i > 0 && i % 10000 == 0) {
568       "Summarized " + i);
569             }
570         }
571"Summzarized " + this.coefficients.columns() + " results");
573         return lmsresults;
574     }
576     /**
577      * @param anova perform ANOVA, otherwise only basic summarization will be done. If ebayesUpdate has been run,
578      *              variance and degrees of freedom
579      *              estimated using the limma eBayes algorithm will be used.
580      * @return
581      */
582     public Map<String, LinearModelSummary> summarizeByKeys(boolean anova) {
583         List<LinearModelSummary> summaries = this.summarize(anova);
584         Map<String, LinearModelSummary> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
585         for (LinearModelSummary lms : summaries) {
586             if (StringUtils.isBlank(lms.getKey())) {
587                 /*
588                  * Perhaps we should just use an integer.
589                  */
590                 throw new IllegalStateException("Key must not be blank");
591             }
593             if (result.containsKey(lms.getKey())) {
594                 throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate key " + lms.getKey());
595             }
596             result.put(lms.getKey(), lms);
597         }
598         return result;
599     }
601     /**
602      * Compute ANOVA based on the model fit (Type I SSQ, sequential)
603      * <p>
604      * The idea is to add up the sums of squares (and dof) for all parameters associated with a particular factor.
605      * <p>
606      * This code is more or less ported from R summary.aov.
607      *
608      * @return
609      */
610     protected List<GenericAnovaResult> anova() {
612         DoubleMatrix1D ones = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(residuals.columns());
613         ones.assign(1.0);
615         /*
616          * For ebayes, instead of this value (divided by rdof), we'll use the moderated sigma^2
617          */
618         DoubleMatrix1D residualSumsOfSquares;
620         if (this.weights == null) {
621             residualSumsOfSquares = MatrixUtil.multWithMissing(residuals.copy().assign(Functions.square),
622                     ones);
623         } else {
624             residualSumsOfSquares = MatrixUtil.multWithMissing(
625                     residuals.copy().assign(this.weights.copy().assign(Functions.sqrt), Functions.mult).assign(Functions.square),
626                     ones);
627         }
629         DoubleMatrix2D effects = null;
630         if (this.hasMissing || this.weights != null) {
631             effects = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(this.b.rows(), this.A.columns());
632             effects.assign(Double.NaN);
633             for (int i = 0; i < this.b.rows(); i++) {
634                 QRDecomposition qrd = this.getQR(i);
635                 if (qrd == null) {
636                     // means we did not get a fit
637                     for (int j = 0; j < effects.columns(); j++) {
638                         effects.set(i, j, Double.NaN);
639                     }
640                     continue;
641                 }
643                 /*
644                  * Compute Qty for the specific y, dealing with missing values.
645                  */
646                 DoubleMatrix1D brow = b.viewRow(i);
647                 DoubleMatrix1D browWithoutMissing = MatrixUtil.removeMissingOrInfinite(brow);
649                 DoubleMatrix1D tqty;
650                 if (weights != null) {
651                     DoubleMatrix1D w = MatrixUtil.removeMissingOrInfinite(brow, this.weights.viewRow(i).copy().assign(Functions.sqrt));
652                     assert w.size() == browWithoutMissing.size();
653                     DoubleMatrix1D bw = browWithoutMissing.copy().assign(w, Functions.mult);
654                     tqty = qrd.effects(bw);
655                 } else {
656                     tqty = qrd.effects(browWithoutMissing);
657                 }
659                 // view just part we need; put values back so missingness is restored.
660                 for (int j = 0; j < qrd.getRank(); j++) {
661                     effects.set(i, j, tqty.get(j));
662                 }
663             }
665         } else {
666             assert this.qr != null;
667             effects = qr.effects(this.b.viewDice().copy()).viewDice();
668         }
670         /* this is t(Qfty), the effects associated with the parameters only! We already have the residuals. */
671         effects.assign(Functions.square); // because we're going to compute sums of squares.
673         /*
674          * Add up the ssr for the columns within each factor.
675          */
676         Set<Integer> facs = new TreeSet<>();
677         facs.addAll(assign);
679         DoubleMatrix2D ssq = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(effects.rows(), facs.size() + 1);
680         DoubleMatrix2D dof = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(effects.rows(), facs.size() + 1);
681         dof.assign(0.0);
682         ssq.assign(0.0);
683         List<Integer> assignToUse = assign; // if has missing values, this will get swapped.
685         for (int i = 0; i < ssq.rows(); i++) {
687             ssq.set(i, facs.size(), residualSumsOfSquares.get(i));
688             int rdof;
689             if (this.residualDofs.isEmpty()) {
690                 rdof = this.residualDof;
691             } else {
692                 rdof = this.residualDofs.get(i);
693             }
694             /*
695              * Store residual DOF in the last column.
696              */
697             dof.set(i, facs.size(), rdof);
699             if (!assigns.isEmpty()) {
700                 // when missing values are present we end up here.
701                 assignToUse = assigns.get(i);
702             }
704             // these have been squared.
705             DoubleMatrix1D effectsForRow = effects.viewRow(i);
707             if (assignToUse.size() != effectsForRow.size()) {
708                 /*
709                  * Effects will have NaNs, just so you know.
710                  */
711                 log.debug("Check me: effects has missing values");
712             }
714             for (int j = 0; j < assignToUse.size(); j++) {
716                 double valueToAdd = effectsForRow.get(j);
717                 int col = assignToUse.get(j);
718                 if (col > 0 && !this.hasIntercept) {
719                     col = col - 1;
720                 }
722                 /*
723                  * Accumulate the sums for the different parameters associated with the same factor. When the data is
724                  * "constant" you can end up with a tiny but non-zero coefficient,
725                  * but it's bogus. See bug 3177. Ignore missing values.
726                  */
727                 if (!Double.isNaN(valueToAdd) && valueToAdd > Constants.SMALL) {
728                     ssq.set(i, col, ssq.get(i, col) + valueToAdd);
729                     dof.set(i, col, dof.get(i, col) + 1);
730                 }
731             }
732         }
734         DoubleMatrix1D denominator;
735         if (this.hasBeenShrunken) {
736             denominator = this.varPost.copy();
737         } else {
738             if (this.residualDofs.isEmpty()) {
739                 // when there's just one value...
740                 denominator = residualSumsOfSquares.copy().assign(Functions.div(residualDof));
741             } else {
742                 denominator = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(residualSumsOfSquares.size());
743                 for (int i = 0; i < residualSumsOfSquares.size(); i++) {
744                     denominator.set(i, residualSumsOfSquares.get(i) / residualDofs.get(i));
745                 }
746             }
747         }
749         // Fstats and pvalues will go here. Just initializing.
750         DoubleMatrix2D fStats = ssq.copy().assign(dof, Functions.div); // this is the numerator.
751         DoubleMatrix2D pvalues =;
752         computeStats(dof, fStats, denominator, pvalues);
754         return summarizeAnova(ssq, dof, fStats, pvalues);
755     }
757     /**
758      * Provide results of limma eBayes algorithm. These will be used next time summarize is called on this.
759      *
760      * @param d  dfPrior
761      * @param v  varPrior
762      * @param vp varPost
763      */
764     protected void ebayesUpdate(double d, double v, DoubleMatrix1D vp) {
765         this.dfPrior = d;
766         this.varPrior = v; // somewhat confusingly, this is sd.prior in limma; var.prior gets used for B stat.
767         this.varPost = vp; // also called; without ebayes this is the same as sigma^2 = rssq/rdof
768         this.hasBeenShrunken = true;
769     }
771     /**
772      * Compute and organize the various summary statistics for a fit.
773      * <p>
774      * If ebayes has been run, variance and degrees of freedom
775      * estimated using the limma eBayes algorithm will be used.
776      * <p>
777      * Does not populate the ANOVA.
778      *
779      * @param i index of the fit to summarize
780      * @return
781      */
782     protected LinearModelSummary summarize(int i) {
784         String key = null;
785         if (this.rowNames != null) {
786             key = this.rowNames.get(i);
787             if (key == null) log.warn("Key null at " + i);
788         }
790         QRDecomposition qrd = null;
791         qrd = this.getQR(i);
793         if (qrd == null) {
794             log.debug("QR was null for item " + i);
795             return new LinearModelSummary(key);
796         }
798         int rdf;
799         if (this.residualDofs.isEmpty()) {
800             rdf = this.residualDof; // no missing values, so it's global
801         } else {
802             rdf = this.residualDofs.get(i); // row-specific
803         }
804         assert !Double.isNaN(rdf);
806         if (rdf == 0) {
807             return new LinearModelSummary(key);
808         }
810         DoubleMatrix1D resid = MatrixUtil.removeMissingOrInfinite(this.residuals.viewRow(i));
811         DoubleMatrix1D f = MatrixUtil.removeMissingOrInfinite(fitted.viewRow(i));
813         DoubleMatrix1D rweights = null;
814         DoubleMatrix1D sqrtweights = null;
815         if (this.weights != null) {
816             rweights = MatrixUtil.removeMissingOrInfinite(fitted.viewRow(i), this.weights.viewRow(i).copy());
817             sqrtweights = rweights.copy().assign(Functions.sqrt);
818         } else {
819             rweights = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(f.size()).assign(1.0);
820             sqrtweights = rweights.copy();
821         }
823         DoubleMatrix1D allCoef = coefficients.viewColumn(i); // has NA for unestimated parameters.
824         DoubleMatrix1D estCoef = MatrixUtil.removeMissingOrInfinite(allCoef); // estimated parameters.
826         if (estCoef.size() == 0) {
827             log.warn("No coefficients estimated for row " + i + this.diagnosis(qrd));
828   "Data for this row:\n" + this.b.viewRow(i));
829             return new LinearModelSummary(key);
830         }
832         int rank = qrd.getRank();
833         int n = qrd.getQ().rows();
834         assert rdf == n - rank : "Rank was not correct, expected " + rdf + " but got Q rows=" + n + ", #Coef=" + rank
835                 + diagnosis(qrd);
837         //        if (is.null(w)) {
838         //            mss <- if (attr(z$terms, "intercept"))
839         //                sum((f - mean(f))^2) else sum(f^2)
840         //            rss <- sum(r^2)
841         //        } else {
842         //            mss <- if (attr(z$terms, "intercept")) {
843         //                m <- sum(w * f /sum(w))
844         //                sum(w * (f - m)^2)
845         //            } else sum(w * f^2)
846         //            rss <- sum(w * r^2)
847         //            r <- sqrt(w) * r
848         //        }
849         double mss;
851         if (weights != null) {
853             if (hasIntercept) {
854                 //  m <- sum(w * f /sum(w))  
855                 double m = f.copy().assign(Functions.div(rweights.zSum())).assign(rweights, Functions.mult).zSum();
857                 mss = f.copy().assign(Functions.minus(m)).assign(Functions.square).assign(rweights, Functions.mult).zSum();
858             } else {
859                 mss = f.copy().assign(Functions.square).assign(rweights, Functions.mult).zSum();
860             }
862             assert resid.size() == rweights.size();
863         } else {
864             if (hasIntercept) {
865                 mss = f.copy().assign(Functions.minus(Descriptive.mean(new DoubleArrayList(f.toArray()))))
866                         .assign(Functions.square).zSum();
867             } else {
868                 mss = f.copy().assign(Functions.square).zSum();
869             }
870         }
872         double rss = resid.copy().assign(Functions.square).assign(rweights, Functions.mult).zSum();
873         if (weights != null) resid = resid.copy().assign(sqrtweights, Functions.mult);
875         double resvar = rss / rdf; // sqrt of this is sigma.
877         // matrix to hold the summary information.
878         DoubleMatrix<String, String> summaryTable = DoubleMatrixFactory.dense(allCoef.size(), 4);
879         summaryTable.assign(Double.NaN);
880         summaryTable
881                 .setColumnNames(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)"}));
883         // XtXi is (X'X)^-1; in R limma this is fit$cov.coefficients: "unscaled covariance matrix of the estimable coefficients"
885         DoubleMatrix2D XtXi = qrd.chol2inv();
887         // the diagonal has the (unscaled) variances s; NEGATIVE VALUES can occur when not of full rank...
888         DoubleMatrix1D sdUnscaled = MatrixUtil.diagonal(XtXi).assign(Functions.sqrt);
890         // in contrast the stdev.unscaled uses the gene-specific QR      
891         // //  stdev.unscaled[i,est] <- sqrt(diag(chol2inv(out$qr$qr,size=out$rank)))
893         this.stdevUnscaled.put(i, sdUnscaled);
895         DoubleMatrix1D sdScaled = MatrixUtil
896                 .removeMissingOrInfinite(MatrixUtil.diagonal(XtXi).assign(Functions.mult(resvar))
897                         .assign(Functions.sqrt)); // wasteful...
899         // AKA Qty
901         DoubleMatrix1D effects = qrd.effects(MatrixUtil.removeMissingOrInfinite(this.b.viewRow(i).copy()).assign(sqrtweights, Functions.mult));
903         // sigma is the estimated sd of the parameters. In limma, fit$sigma <- sqrt(mean(fit$effects[-(1:fit$rank)]^2) 
904         // in lm.series, it's same: sigma[i] <- sqrt(mean(out$effects[-(1:out$rank)]^2))
905         // first p elements are associated with the coefficients; same as residuals (QQty) / resid dof.
906         //        double sigma = Math
907         //                .sqrt( resid.copy().assign( Functions.square ).aggregate(, Functions.identity )
908         //                        / ( resid.size() - rank ) );
910         // Based on effects
911         double sigma = Math.sqrt(
912                 effects.copy().viewPart(rank, effects.size() - rank).aggregate(, Functions.square) / (effects.size() - rank));
914         /*
915          * Finally ready to compute t-stats and finish up.
916          */
918         DoubleMatrix1D tstats;
919         TDistribution tdist;
920         if (this.hasBeenShrunken) {
921             /*
922              * moderated t-statistic
923              * out$t <- coefficients / stdev.unscaled / sqrt(out$
924              */
925             tstats = estCoef.copy().assign(sdUnscaled, Functions.div).assign(
926                     Functions.div(Math.sqrt(this.varPost.get(i))));
928             /*
929              * <- df.residual + out$df.prior
930              * df.pooled <- sum(df.residual,na.rm=TRUE)
931              * <- pmin(,df.pooled)
932              * out$ <-
933              * out$p.value <- 2*pt(-abs(out$t),
934              */
936             double dfTotal = rdf + this.dfPrior;
938             assert !Double.isNaN(dfTotal);
939             tdist = new TDistribution(dfTotal);
940         } else {
941             /*
942              * Or we could get these from
943              * tstat.ord <- coefficients/ stdev.unscaled/ sigma
944              * And not have to store the sdScaled.
945              */
946             tstats = estCoef.copy().assign(sdScaled, Functions.div);
947             tdist = new TDistribution(rdf);
948         }
950         int j = 0;
951         for (int ti = 0; ti < allCoef.size(); ti++) {
952             double c = allCoef.get(ti);
953             assert this.designMatrix != null;
954             List<String> colNames = this.designMatrix.getMatrix().getColNames();
956             String dmcolname;
957             if (colNames == null) {
958                 dmcolname = "Column_" + ti;
959             } else {
960                 dmcolname = colNames.get(ti);
961             }
963             summaryTable.addRowName(dmcolname);
964             if (Double.isNaN(c)) {
965                 continue;
966             }
968             summaryTable.set(ti, 0, estCoef.get(j));
969             summaryTable.set(ti, 1, sdUnscaled.get(j));
970             summaryTable.set(ti, 2, tstats.get(j));
972             double pval = 2.0 * (1.0 - tdist.cumulativeProbability(Math.abs(tstats.get(j))));
973             summaryTable.set(ti, 3, pval);
975             j++;
977         }
979         double rsquared = 0.0;
980         double adjRsquared = 0.0;
981         double fstatistic = 0.0;
982         int numdf = 0;
983         int dendf = 0;
985         if (terms.size() > 1 || !hasIntercept) {
986             int dfint = hasIntercept ? 1 : 0;
987             rsquared = mss / (mss + rss);
988             adjRsquared = 1 - (1 - rsquared) * ((n - dfint) / (double) rdf);
990             fstatistic = mss / (rank - dfint) / resvar;
992             // This doesn't get set otherwise??
993             numdf = rank - dfint;
994             dendf = rdf;
996         } else {
997             // intercept only, apparently.
998             rsquared = 0.0;
999             adjRsquared = 0.0;
1000         }
1002         // NOTE that not all the information stored in the summary is likely to be important/used, 
1003         // while other information is probably still needed.
1004         LinearModelSummaryrModelSummary.html#LinearModelSummary">LinearModelSummary lms = new LinearModelSummary(key, ArrayUtils.toObject(allCoef.toArray()),
1005                 ArrayUtils.toObject(resid
1006                         .toArray()),
1007                 terms,
1008                 summaryTable, ArrayUtils.toObject(effects.toArray()),
1009                 ArrayUtils.toObject(sdUnscaled.toArray()), rsquared,
1010                 adjRsquared,
1011                 fstatistic,
1012                 numdf, dendf, null, sigma, this.hasBeenShrunken);
1013         lms.setPriorDof(this.dfPrior);
1015         return lms;
1016     }
1018     /**
1019      *
1020      */
1021     private void addInteraction() {
1022         if (designMatrix.getTerms().size() == 1) {
1023             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need at least two factors for interactions");
1024         }
1025         if (designMatrix.getTerms().size() != 2) {
1026             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Interactions not supported for more than two factors");
1027         }
1028         this.designMatrix.addInteraction(designMatrix.getTerms().get(0), designMatrix.getTerms().get(1));
1029     }
1031     /**
1032      * Cache a QR. Only important if missing values are present or if using weights, otherwise we use the "global" QR.
1033      *
1034      * @param row           cannot be null; indicates the index into the datamatrix rows.
1035      * @param valuesPresent if null, this is taken to mean the row wasn't usable.
1036      * @param newQR         can be null, if valuePresent is null
1037      */
1038     private void addQR(Integer row, BitVector valuesPresent, QRDecomposition newQR) {
1040         /*
1041          * Use of weights takes precedence over missing values, in terms of how we store QRs. If we only have missing
1042          * values, often we can get away with a small number of distinct QRs. With weights, we assume they are different
1043          * for each data row.
1044          */
1045         if (this.weights != null) {
1046             this.qrsForWeighted.put(row, newQR);
1047             return;
1048         }
1050         assert row != null;
1052         if (valuesPresent == null) {
1053             valuesPresentMap.put(row, null);
1054         }
1056         QRDecomposition cachedQr = qrs.get(valuesPresent);
1057         if (cachedQr == null) {
1058             qrs.put(valuesPresent, newQR);
1059         }
1060         valuesPresentMap.put(row, valuesPresent);
1061     }
1063     /**
1064      *
1065      */
1066     private void checkForMissingValues() {
1067         for (int i = 0; i < b.rows(); i++) {
1068             for (int j = 0; j < b.columns(); j++) {
1069                 double v = b.get(i, j);
1070                 if (Double.isNaN(v) || Double.isInfinite(v)) {
1071                     this.hasMissing = true;
1072           "Data has missing values (at row=" + (i + 1) + " column=" + (j + 1));
1073                     break;
1074                 }
1075             }
1076             if (this.hasMissing) break;
1077         }
1078     }
1080     /**
1081      * Drop, and track, redundant or constant columns (not counting the intercept, if present). This is only used if we
1082      * have missing values which would require changing the design depending on what is missing. Otherwise the model is
1083      * assumed to be clean. Note that this does not check the model for singularity, but does help avoid some obvious
1084      * causes of singularity.
1085      * <p>
1086      * NOTE Probably slow if we have to run this often; should cache re-used values.
1087      *
1088      * @param design
1089      * @param ypsize
1090      * @param droppedColumns populated by this call
1091      * @return
1092      */
1093     private DoubleMatrix2D cleanDesign(final DoubleMatrix2D design, int ypsize, List<Integer> droppedColumns) {
1095         /*
1096          * Drop constant columns or columns which are the same as another column.
1097          */
1098         for (int j = 0; j < design.columns(); j++) {
1099             if (j == 0 && this.hasIntercept) continue;
1100             double lastValue = Double.NaN;
1101             boolean constant = true;
1102             for (int i = 0; i < design.rows(); i++) {
1103                 double thisvalue = design.get(i, j);
1104                 if (i > 0 && thisvalue != lastValue) {
1105                     constant = false;
1106                     break;
1107                 }
1108                 lastValue = thisvalue;
1109             }
1110             if (constant) {
1111                 log.debug("Dropping constant column " + j);
1112                 droppedColumns.add(j);
1113                 continue;
1114             }
1116             DoubleMatrix1D col = design.viewColumn(j);
1118             for (int p = 0; p < j; p++) {
1119                 boolean redundant = true;
1120                 DoubleMatrix1D otherCol = design.viewColumn(p);
1121                 for (int v = 0; v < col.size(); v++) {
1122                     if (col.get(v) != otherCol.get(v)) {
1123                         redundant = false;
1124                         break;
1125                     }
1126                 }
1127                 if (redundant) {
1128                     log.debug("Dropping redundant column " + j);
1129                     droppedColumns.add(j);
1130                     break;
1131                 }
1132             }
1134         }
1136         DoubleMatrix2D returnValue = MatrixUtil.dropColumns(design, droppedColumns);
1138         return returnValue;
1139     }
1141     /**
1142      * ANOVA f statistics etc.
1143      *
1144      * @param dof         raw degrees of freedom
1145      * @param fStats      results will be stored here
1146      * @param denominator residual sums of squares / rdof
1147      * @param pvalues     results will be stored here
1148      */
1149     private void computeStats(DoubleMatrix2D dof, DoubleMatrix2D fStats, DoubleMatrix1D denominator,
1150                               DoubleMatrix2D pvalues) {
1151         pvalues.assign(Double.NaN);
1152         int timesWarned = 0;
1153         for (int i = 0; i < fStats.rows(); i++) {
1155             int rdof;
1156             if (this.residualDofs.isEmpty()) {
1157                 rdof = residualDof;
1158             } else {
1159                 rdof = this.residualDofs.get(i);
1160             }
1162             for (int j = 0; j < fStats.columns(); j++) {
1164                 double ndof = dof.get(i, j);
1166                 if (ndof <= 0 || rdof <= 0) {
1167                     pvalues.set(i, j, Double.NaN);
1168                     fStats.set(i, j, Double.NaN);
1169                     continue;
1170                 }
1172                 if (j == fStats.columns() - 1) {
1173                     // don't fill in f & p values for the residual...
1174                     pvalues.set(i, j, Double.NaN);
1175                     fStats.set(i, j, Double.NaN);
1176                     continue;
1177                 }
1179                 /*
1180                  * Taking ratios of two very small values is not meaningful; happens if the data are ~constant.
1181                  */
1182                 if (fStats.get(i, j) < Constants.SMALLISH && denominator.get(i) < Constants.SMALLISH) {
1183                     pvalues.set(i, j, Double.NaN);
1184                     fStats.set(i, j, Double.NaN);
1185                     continue;
1186                 }
1188                 fStats.set(i, j, fStats.get(i, j) / denominator.get(i));
1189                 try {
1190                     FDistribution pf = new FDistribution(ndof, rdof + this.dfPrior);
1191                     pvalues.set(i, j, 1.0 - pf.cumulativeProbability(fStats.get(i, j)));
1192                 } catch (NotStrictlyPositiveException e) {
1193                     if (timesWarned < 10) {
1194                         log.warn("Pvalue could not be computed for F=" + fStats.get(i, j) + "; denominator was="
1195                                 + denominator.get(i) + "; Error: " + e.getMessage()
1196                                 + " (limited warnings of this type will be given)");
1197                         timesWarned++;
1198                     }
1199                     pvalues.set(i, j, Double.NaN);
1200                 }
1202             }
1203         }
1204     }
1206     /**
1207      * @param qrd
1208      * @return
1209      */
1210     private String diagnosis(QRDecomposition qrd) {
1211         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
1212         buf.append("\n--------\nLM State\n--------\n");
1213         buf.append("hasMissing=" + this.hasMissing + "\n");
1214         buf.append("hasIntercept=" + this.hasIntercept + "\n");
1215         buf.append("Design: " + this.designMatrix + "\n");
1216         if (this.b.rows() < 5) {
1217             buf.append("Data matrix: " + this.b + "\n");
1218         } else {
1219             buf.append("Data (first few rows): " + this.b.viewSelection(new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, null) + "\n");
1221         }
1222         buf.append("Current QR:" + qrd + "\n");
1223         return buf.toString();
1224     }
1226     /**
1227      *
1228      */
1229     private void fit() {
1230         if (this.weights == null) {
1231             lsf();
1232             return;
1233         }
1234         wlsf();
1235     }
1237     /**
1238      * @param valuesPresent - only if we have unweighted regression
1239      * @return appropriate cached QR, or null
1240      */
1241     private QRDecomposition getQR(BitVector valuesPresent) {
1242         assert this.weights == null;
1243         return qrs.get(valuesPresent);
1244     }
1246     /**
1247      * Get the QR decomposition to use for data row given. If it has not yet been computed/cached return null.
1248      *
1249      * @param row
1250      * @return QR or null if the row wasn't usable. If there are no missing values and weights aren't used, this
1251      * returns
1252      * the global qr. If there are only missing values, this returns the QR that matches the pattern of
1253      * missing
1254      * values. If there are weights, a row-specific QR is returned.
1255      */
1256     private QRDecomposition getQR(Integer row) {
1257         if (!this.hasMissing && this.weights == null) {
1258             return this.qr;
1259         }
1261         if (this.weights != null)
1262             return qrsForWeighted.get(row);
1264         assert this.hasMissing;
1265         BitVector key = valuesPresentMap.get(row);
1266         if (key == null) return null;
1267         return qrs.get(key);
1269     }
1271     /**
1272      * Internal function that does the hard work in unweighted case.
1273      */
1274     private void lsf() {
1276         assert this.weights == null;
1278         checkForMissingValues();
1279         Algebra solver = new Algebra();
1281         if (this.hasMissing) {
1282             double[][] rawResult = new double[b.rows()][];
1283             for (int i = 0; i < b.rows(); i++) {
1285                 DoubleMatrix1D row = b.viewRow(i);
1286                 if (row.size() < 3) { // don't bother.
1287                     rawResult[i] = new double[A.columns()];
1288                     continue;
1289                 }
1290                 DoubleMatrix1D withoutMissing = lsfWmissing(i, row, A);
1291                 if (withoutMissing == null) {
1292                     rawResult[i] = new double[A.columns()];
1293                 } else {
1294                     rawResult[i] = withoutMissing.toArray();
1295                 }
1296             }
1297             this.coefficients = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(rawResult).viewDice();
1299         } else {
1301             this.qr = new QRDecomposition(A);
1302             this.coefficients = qr.solve(solver.transpose(b));
1303             this.residualDof = b.columns() - qr.getRank();
1304             if (residualDof <= 0) {
1305                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
1306                         "No residual degrees of freedom to fit the model" + diagnosis(qr));
1307             }
1309         }
1310         assert this.assign.isEmpty() || this.assign.size() == this.coefficients.rows() : assign.size()
1311                 + " != # coefficients " + this.coefficients.rows();
1313         assert this.coefficients.rows() == A.columns();
1315         // It is somewhat wasteful to hold on to this.
1316         this.fitted = solver.transpose(MatrixUtil.multWithMissing(A, coefficients));
1318         if (this.hasMissing) {
1319             MatrixUtil.maskMissing(b, fitted);
1320         }
1322         this.residuals = b.copy().assign(fitted, Functions.minus);
1323     }
1325     /**
1326      * Perform OLS when there might be missing values, for a single vector of data y. If y doesn't have any missing
1327      * values this works normally.
1328      * <p>
1329      * Has side effect of filling in this.qrs and this.residualDofs, so run this "in order".
1330      *
1331      * @param row
1332      * @param y   the data to fit. For weighted ls, you must supply y*w
1333      * @param des the design matrix. For weighted ls, you must supply des*w.
1334      * @return the coefficients (a.k.a. x)
1335      */
1336     private DoubleMatrix1D lsfWmissing(Integer row, DoubleMatrix1D y, DoubleMatrix2D des) {
1337         Algebra solver = new Algebra();
1338         // This can potentially be improved by getting the indices of non-missing values and using that to make slices.
1340         List<Double> ywithoutMissingList = new ArrayList<>(y.size());
1341         int size = y.size();
1342         boolean hasAssign = !this.assign.isEmpty();
1343         int countNonMissing = 0;
1344         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
1345             double v = y.getQuick(i);
1346             if (!Double.isNaN(v) && !Double.isInfinite(v)) {
1347                 countNonMissing++;
1348             }
1349         }
1351         if (countNonMissing < 3) {
1352             /*
1353              * return nothing.
1354              */
1355             DoubleMatrix1D re = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(des.columns());
1356             re.assign(Double.NaN);
1357             log.debug("Not enough non-missing values");
1358             this.addQR(row, null, null);
1359             this.residualDofs.add(countNonMissing - des.columns());
1360             if (hasAssign) this.assigns.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
1361             return re;
1362         }
1364         double[][] rawDesignWithoutMissing = new double[countNonMissing][];
1365         int index = 0;
1366         boolean missing = false;
1368         BitVector bv = new BitVector(size);
1369         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
1370             double yi = y.getQuick(i);
1371             if (Double.isNaN(yi) || Double.isInfinite(yi)) {
1372                 missing = true;
1373                 continue;
1374             }
1375             ywithoutMissingList.add(yi);
1376             bv.set(i);
1377             rawDesignWithoutMissing[index++] = des.viewRow(i).toArray();
1378         }
1379         double[] yWithoutMissing = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(ywithoutMissingList.toArray(new Double[]{}));
1380         DenseDoubleMatrix2D yWithoutMissingAsMatrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(new double[][]{yWithoutMissing});
1382         DoubleMatrix2D designWithoutMissing = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(rawDesignWithoutMissing);
1384         boolean fail = false;
1385         List<Integer> droppedColumns = new ArrayList<>();
1386         designWithoutMissing = this.cleanDesign(designWithoutMissing, yWithoutMissingAsMatrix.size(), droppedColumns);
1388         if (designWithoutMissing.columns() == 0 || designWithoutMissing.columns() > designWithoutMissing.rows()) {
1389             fail = true;
1390         }
1392         if (fail) {
1393             DoubleMatrix1D re = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(des.columns());
1394             re.assign(Double.NaN);
1395             this.addQR(row, null, null);
1396             this.residualDofs.add(countNonMissing - des.columns());
1397             if (hasAssign) this.assigns.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
1398             return re;
1399         }
1401         QRDecomposition rqr = null;
1402         if (this.weights != null) {
1403             rqr = new QRDecomposition(designWithoutMissing);
1404             addQR(row, null, rqr);
1405         } else if (missing) {
1406             rqr = this.getQR(bv);
1407             if (rqr == null) {
1408                 rqr = new QRDecomposition(designWithoutMissing);
1409                 addQR(row, bv, rqr);
1410             }
1411         } else {
1412             // in the case of weighted least squares, the Design matrix has different weights
1413             // for every row observation, so recompute qr everytime.
1414             if (this.qr == null) {
1415                 rqr = new QRDecomposition(des);
1416             } else {
1417                 // presumably not weighted.Why would this be set already, though? Is this ever reached?
1418                 rqr = this.qr;
1419             }
1420         }
1422         this.addQR(row, bv, rqr);
1424         int pivots = rqr.getRank();
1426         int rdof = yWithoutMissingAsMatrix.size() - pivots;
1427         this.residualDofs.add(rdof);
1429         DoubleMatrix2D coefs = rqr.solve(solver.transpose(yWithoutMissingAsMatrix));
1431         /*
1432          * Put NaNs in for missing coefficients that were dropped from our estimation.
1433          */
1434         if (designWithoutMissing.columns() < des.columns()) {
1435             DoubleMatrix1D col = coefs.viewColumn(0);
1436             DoubleMatrix1D result = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(des.columns());
1437             result.assign(Double.NaN);
1438             int k = 0;
1439             List<Integer> assignForRow = new ArrayList<>();
1440             for (int i = 0; i < des.columns(); i++) {
1441                 if (droppedColumns.contains(i)) {
1442                     // leave it as NaN.
1443                     continue;
1444                 }
1446                 if (hasAssign) assignForRow.add(this.assign.get(i));
1447                 assert k < col.size();
1448                 result.set(i, col.get(k));
1449                 k++;
1450             }
1451             if (hasAssign) assigns.add(assignForRow);
1452             return result;
1453         }
1454         if (hasAssign) assigns.add(this.assign);
1455         return coefs.viewColumn(0);
1457     }
1459     /**
1460      * @param ssq
1461      * @param dof
1462      * @param fStats
1463      * @param pvalues
1464      * @return
1465      */
1466     private List<GenericAnovaResult> summarizeAnova(DoubleMatrix2D ssq, DoubleMatrix2D dof, DoubleMatrix2D fStats,
1467                                                     DoubleMatrix2D pvalues) {
1469         assert ssq != null;
1470         assert dof != null;
1471         assert fStats != null;
1472         assert pvalues != null;
1474         List<GenericAnovaResult> results = new ArrayList<>();
1475         for (int i = 0; i < fStats.rows(); i++) {
1476             Collection<AnovaEffect> efs = new ArrayList<>();
1478             /*
1479              * Don't put in ftest results for the residual thus the -1.
1480              */
1481             for (int j = 0; j < fStats.columns() - 1; j++) {
1482                 String effectName = terms.get(j);
1483                 assert effectName != null;
1484                 AnovaEffectvaEffect.html#AnovaEffect">AnovaEffect ae = new AnovaEffect(effectName, pvalues.get(i, j), fStats.get(i, j), dof.get(
1485                         i, j), ssq.get(i, j), effectName.contains(":"));
1486                 efs.add(ae);
1487             }
1489             /*
1490              * Add residual
1491              */
1492             int residCol = fStats.columns() - 1;
1493             AnovaEffectvaEffect.html#AnovaEffect">AnovaEffect ae = new AnovaEffect("Residual", null, null, dof.get(i, residCol) + this.dfPrior, ssq.get(i,
1494                     residCol), false);
1495             efs.add(ae);
1497             GenericAnovaResultricAnovaResult.html#GenericAnovaResult">GenericAnovaResult ao = new GenericAnovaResult(efs);
1498             if (this.rowNames != null) ao.setKey(this.rowNames.get(i));
1499             results.add(ao);
1500         }
1501         return results;
1502     }
1504     /**
1505      * The weighted version which works like 'lm.wfit()' in R.
1506      */
1507     private void wlsf() {
1509         assert this.weights != null;
1511         checkForMissingValues();
1512         Algebra solver = new Algebra();
1514         /*
1515          * weight A and b: wts <- sqrt(w) A * wts, row * wts
1516          */
1517         List<DoubleMatrix2D> AwList = new ArrayList<>(b.rows());
1518         List<DoubleMatrix1D> bList = new ArrayList<>(b.rows());
1520         /*
1521          * Implemented like R::stats::lm.wfit : z <- .Call(C_Cdqrls, x * wts, y * wts, tol, FALSE), but we're doing each
1522          * y (gene) separately rather than in bulk since weights are different for each y.
1523          *
1524          *
1525          * Limma uses this approach in lm.series.
1526          */
1527         for (int i = 0; i < b.rows(); i++) {
1528             DoubleMatrix1D wts = this.weights.viewRow(i).copy().assign(Functions.sqrt);
1529             DoubleMatrix1D bw = b.viewRow(i).copy().assign(wts, Functions.mult);
1530             DoubleMatrix2D Aw = A.copy();
1531             for (int j = 0; j < Aw.columns(); j++) {
1532                 Aw.viewColumn(j).assign(wts, Functions.mult);
1533             }
1534             AwList.add(Aw);
1535             bList.add(bw);
1536         }
1538         double[][] rawResult = new double[b.rows()][];
1540         if (this.hasMissing) {
1541             /*
1542              * Have to drop missing values from the design matrix, so invoke special code.
1543              */
1544             for (int i = 0; i < b.rows(); i++) {
1545                 DoubleMatrix1D bw = bList.get(i);
1546                 DoubleMatrix2D Aw = AwList.get(i);
1547                 DoubleMatrix1D withoutMissing = lsfWmissing(i, bw, Aw);
1548                 if (withoutMissing == null) {
1549                     rawResult[i] = new double[A.columns()];
1550                 } else {
1551                     rawResult[i] = withoutMissing.toArray();
1552                 }
1553             }
1555         } else {
1557             // do QR for each row because A is scaled by different row weights
1558             // see lm.series() in limma; calls lm.wfit.
1559             for (int i = 0; i < b.rows(); i++) {
1560                 DoubleMatrix1D bw = bList.get(i);
1561                 DoubleMatrix2D Aw = AwList.get(i);
1562                 DoubleMatrix2D bw2D = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(1, bw.size());
1563                 bw2D.viewRow(0).assign(bw);
1564                 QRDecompositionosition.html#QRDecomposition">QRDecomposition wqr = new QRDecomposition(Aw);
1566                 // We keep all the QRs for later use.
1567                 this.addQR(i, null, wqr);
1569                 rawResult[i] = wqr.solve(solver.transpose(bw2D)).viewColumn(0).toArray();
1570                 this.residualDof = bw.size() - wqr.getRank();
1571                 assert this.residualDof >= 0;
1572                 if (residualDof == 0) {
1573                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("No residual degrees of freedom to fit the model"
1574                             + diagnosis(wqr));
1575                 }
1576             }
1577         }
1579         this.coefficients = solver.transpose(new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(rawResult));
1581         assert this.assign.isEmpty() || this.assign.size() == this.coefficients.rows() : assign.size()
1582                 + " != # coefficients " + this.coefficients.rows();
1583         assert this.coefficients.rows() == A.columns();
1585         this.fitted = solver.transpose(MatrixUtil.multWithMissing(A, coefficients));
1587         if (this.hasMissing) {
1588             MatrixUtil.maskMissing(b, fitted);
1589         }
1591         this.residuals = b.copy().assign(fitted, Functions.minus);
1592     }
1594 }