CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.29.0.


File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/DenseDoubleMatrix.java 243
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 232
if ( i == startRow ) {
                    C colName = this.getColName( j );
                    returnval.setColumnName( colName, j );
                returnval.set( k, j, this.get( i, j ) );
        return returnval;

    public boolean isMissing( int i, int j ) {
        return Double.isNaN( get( i, j ) );

    public int rows() {
        return matrix.rows();

    public void set( int row, int column, Double value ) {
        matrix.set( row, column, value );

     * @return int
     * @see AbstractMatrix2D#size()
    public int size() {
        return matrix.size();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix#subsetColumns(java.util.List)
    public DoubleMatrix<R, C> subsetColumns( List<C> columns ) {

        DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new DenseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( this.rows(), columns.size() );
        returnval.setRowNames( this.getRowNames() );
        for ( int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++ ) {
            int currentColumn = 0;
            for ( C c : columns ) {
                int j = this.getColIndexByName( c );

                returnval.set( i, currentColumn, this.get( i, j ) );

                if ( i == 0 ) {
                    returnval.setColumnName( c, currentColumn );



        return returnval;

    public DoubleMatrix<R, C> subsetRows( List<R> rowNames ) {

        DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new DenseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( rowNames.size(), this.columns() );
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/DenseDoubleMatrix.java 142
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 148
if ( rowName != null ) returnval.addRowName( rowName );
                returnval.set( j, k, this.get( j, i ) );
        return returnval;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrixNamed#getColumn(int)
    public double[] getColumn( int col ) {
        double[] result = new double[rows()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < rows(); i++ ) {
            result[i] = get( i, col );
        return result;

     * Converts to a String that can be read by read.table in R, using default parameters
     * @return java.lang.String
     * public String toRReadTableString() { Format nf = new Format( "%.4g" ); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(
     * this.rows() * this.columns() ); if ( this.hasColNames() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < this.columns(); i++ ) {
     * result.append( "\"" + this.getColName( i ) +"\" "); System.out.println("\"" + this.getColName( i ) +"\" "); }
     * result.append( "\n" ); } for ( int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++ ) { if ( this.hasRowNames() ) { result.append("\""
     * + this.getRowName( i ) + "\"" ); } for ( int j = 0; j < this.columns(); j++ ) { if ( Double.isNaN( this.get( i, j
     * ) ) ) { result.append( " NA" ); } else { result.append( " " + nf.format( this.get( i, j ) ) ); } } result.append(
     * "\n" ); } return result.toString(); }

    public Double getObject( int row, int col ) {
        return new Double( get( row, col ) );

     * Return a reference to a specific row.
     * @param row int
     * @return double[]
    public double[] getRow( int row ) {
        return viewRow( row ).toArray();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see basecode.dataStructure.matrix.AbstractNamedDoubleMatrix#getRowArrayList(int)
    public DoubleArrayList getRowArrayList( int i ) {
        return new DoubleArrayList( getRow( i ) );

     * Return a reference to a specific row.
     * @param s String
     * @return double[]
    public double[] getRowByName( R s ) {
        return getRow( getRowIndexByName( s ) );

    public Double[] getRowObj( int row ) {
        Double[] result = new Double[columns()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < columns(); i++ ) {
            result[i] = new Double( get( row, i ) );
        return result;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.Matrix2D#getRowRange(int, int)
    public DoubleMatrix<R, C> getRowRange( int startRow, int endRow ) {
        super.checkRowRange( startRow, endRow );

        DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new DenseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( 1 + endRow - startRow, this.columns() );
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 103
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 100
DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( this.rows(), this.columns() );

        for ( int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++ ) {
            returnval.setRowName( this.getRowName( i ), i );
            for ( int j = 0; j < this.columns(); j++ ) {
                if ( i == 0 ) {
                    returnval.setColumnName( this.getColName( j ), j );
                returnval.set( i, j, this.get( i, j ) );
        return returnval;


     * @param row
     * @param column
     * @return
    public double get( int row, int column ) {
        return matrix.get( row, column );

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.NamedPrimitiveMatrix#getColObj(int)
    public Double[] getColObj( int col ) {
        Double[] result = new Double[rows()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < rows(); i++ ) {
            result[i] = new Double( get( i, col ) );
        return result;

    public DoubleMatrix<R, C> getColRange( int startCol, int endCol ) {
        super.checkColRange( startCol, endCol );

        DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( this.rows(), 1 + endCol - startCol );
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 146
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 138
DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( this.rows(), 1 + endCol - startCol );
        int k = 0;
        for ( int i = startCol; i <= endCol; i++ ) {
            C colName = this.getColName( i );
            if ( colName != null ) {
                returnval.setColumnName( colName, i );
            for ( int j = 0, m = this.rows(); j < m; j++ ) {
                if ( i == startCol ) {
                    R rowName = this.getRowName( j );
                    returnval.setRowName( rowName, j );
                returnval.set( j, k, this.get( j, i ) );
        return returnval;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrixNamed#getColumn(int)
    public double[] getColumn( int col ) {
        double[] result = new double[rows()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < rows(); i++ ) {
            result[i] = get( i, col );
        return result;

    public Double getObject( int row, int col ) {
        return new Double( get( row, col ) );

     * Return a reference to a specific row.
     * @param row int
     * @return double[]
    public double[] getRow( int row ) {
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 146
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix.java 131
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 138
DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( this.rows(), 1 + endCol - startCol );
        int k = 0;
        for ( int i = startCol; i <= endCol; i++ ) {
            C colName = this.getColName( i );
            if ( colName != null ) {
                returnval.setColumnName( colName, i );
            for ( int j = 0, m = this.rows(); j < m; j++ ) {
                if ( i == startCol ) {
                    R rowName = this.getRowName( j );
                    returnval.setRowName( rowName, j );
                returnval.set( j, k, this.get( j, i ) );
        return returnval;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrixNamed#getColumn(int)
    public double[] getColumn( int col ) {
        double[] result = new double[rows()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < rows(); i++ ) {
            result[i] = get( i, col );
        return result;

    public Double getObject( int row, int col ) {
        return new Double( get( row, col ) );

     * Return a reference to a specific row.
     * @param row int
     * @return double[]
    public double[] getRow( int row ) {
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 242
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 224
DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( endRow + 1 - startRow, this.columns() );
        int k = 0;
        for ( int i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++ ) {
            R rowName = this.getRowName( i );
            if ( rowName != null ) {
                returnval.setRowName( rowName, i );
            for ( int j = 0, m = this.columns(); j < m; j++ ) {
                if ( i == 0 ) {
                    C colName = this.getColName( j );
                    returnval.setColumnName( colName, j );
                returnval.set( k, j, this.get( i, j ) );
        return returnval;

    public boolean isMissing( int i, int j ) {
        return Double.isNaN( get( i, j ) );

    public int rows() {
        return matrix.numRows();
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 320
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 300
DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( rowNames.size(), this.columns() );

        int currentRow = 0;
        for ( R rowName : rowNames ) {

            if ( !this.containsRowName( rowName ) ) continue;

            int i = this.getRowIndexByName( rowName );
            returnval.setRowName( rowName, currentRow );
            for ( int j = 0; j < this.columns(); j++ ) {
                if ( currentRow == 0 ) {
                    returnval.setColumnName( this.getColName( j ), j );
                returnval.set( currentRow, j, this.get( i, j ) );
        if ( !returnval.getRowNames().containsAll( rowNames ) ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid rows to select, some are not in the original matrix" );
        return returnval;

    public DoubleMatrix<C, R> transpose() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void trimToSize() {
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/DenseDoubleMatrix.java 275
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix.java 252
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 266
return matrix.size();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix#subsetColumns(java.util.List)
    public DoubleMatrix<R, C> subsetColumns( List<C> columns ) {

        DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new DenseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( this.rows(), columns.size() );
        returnval.setRowNames( this.getRowNames() );
        for ( int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++ ) {
            int currentColumn = 0;
            for ( C c : columns ) {
                int j = this.getColIndexByName( c );

                returnval.set( i, currentColumn, this.get( i, j ) );

                if ( i == 0 ) {
                    returnval.setColumnName( c, currentColumn );



        return returnval;

    public DoubleMatrix<R, C> subsetRows( List<R> rowNames ) {

        DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new DenseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( rowNames.size(), this.columns() );
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 286
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/DenseDoubleMatrix.java 275
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix.java 252
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 266
return matrix.numColumns() * matrix.numRows();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix#subsetColumns(java.util.List)
    public DoubleMatrix<R, C> subsetColumns( List<C> columns ) {

        DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new DenseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( this.rows(), columns.size() );
        returnval.setRowNames( this.getRowNames() );
        for ( int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++ ) {
            int currentColumn = 0;
            for ( C c : columns ) {
                int j = this.getColIndexByName( c );

                returnval.set( i, currentColumn, this.get( i, j ) );

                if ( i == 0 ) {
                    returnval.setColumnName( c, currentColumn );



        return returnval;

    public DoubleMatrix<R, C> subsetRows( List<R> rowNames ) {
        DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( rowNames.size(), this.columns() );
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 320
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix.java 291
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 300
DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( rowNames.size(), this.columns() );

        int currentRow = 0;
        for ( R rowName : rowNames ) {

            if ( !this.containsRowName( rowName ) ) continue;

            int i = this.getRowIndexByName( rowName );
            returnval.setRowName( rowName, currentRow );
            for ( int j = 0; j < this.columns(); j++ ) {
                if ( currentRow == 0 ) {
                    returnval.setColumnName( this.getColName( j ), j );
                returnval.set( currentRow, j, this.get( i, j ) );
        if ( !returnval.getRowNames().containsAll( rowNames ) ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid rows to select, some are not in the original matrix" );
        return returnval;

    public DoubleMatrix<C, R> transpose() {
File Line
ubic/basecode/math/metaanalysis/MeanDifferenceMetaAnalysis.java 98
ubic/basecode/math/metaanalysis/MeanDifferenceMetaAnalysis.java 124
conditionalVariances = cvar.copy();
        weights = metaFEWeights( conditionalVariances );
        this.q = super.qStatistic( effects, conditionalVariances, super.weightedMean( effects, weights ) );

        if ( !fixed ) { // adjust the conditional variances and weights.
            this.bsv = metaREVariance( effects, conditionalVariances, weights );

            for ( int i = 0; i < conditionalVariances.size(); i++ ) {
                conditionalVariances.setQuick( i, conditionalVariances.getQuick( i ) + bsv );

            weights = metaFEWeights( conditionalVariances );

        this.e = super.weightedMean( effects, weights );
        this.v = super.metaVariance( conditionalVariances );
        this.z = Math.abs( e ) / Math.sqrt( v );
        this.p = Probability.errorFunctionComplemented( z );
        return p;

    public double run( DoubleArrayList effects, DoubleArrayList controlSizes, DoubleArrayList testSizes ) {
File Line
ubic/basecode/util/r/AbstractRClient.java 686
ubic/basecode/util/r/AbstractRClient.java 898
Map<String, OneWayAnovaResult> result = new HashMap<String, OneWayAnovaResult>();
        try {
            RList mainList = rawResult.asList();
            if ( mainList == null ) {
                return null;

            log.debug( mainList.size() + " results." );

            for ( int i = 0; i < mainList.size(); i++ ) {

                REXP anovaTable = mainList.at( i );

                String elementIdentifier = mainList.keyAt( i );

                assert elementIdentifier != null;

                if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) log.debug( "Key: " + elementIdentifier );

                if ( !anovaTable.isList() || !anovaTable.hasAttribute( "row.names" ) ) {
                    log.debug( "No anovaresult for " + elementIdentifier );
                    result.put( elementIdentifier, new OneWayAnovaResult() );
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/IntegerMatrix.java 144
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/StringMatrix.java 205

     * @return java.lang.Integer
    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        buf.append( "label" );
        for ( int i = 0; i < columns(); i++ ) {
            buf.append( "\t" + getColName( i ) );
        buf.append( "\n" );

        for ( int i = 0; i < rows(); i++ ) {
            buf.append( getRowName( i ) );
            for ( int j = 0; j < columns(); j++ ) {
                buf.append( "\t" + get( i, j ) );
            buf.append( "\n" );
        return buf.toString();
File Line
ubic/basecode/math/StringDistance.java 136
ubic/basecode/math/StringDistance.java 166
public static double prefixWeightedHammingDistance( String s, String t, double weight ) {

        if ( weight <= 0.0 || weight > 1.0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "weight must be between zero and one" );

        String trimmedS = s;
        String trimmedT = t;
        if ( s.length() != t.length() ) {
            if ( s.length() > t.length() ) {
                trimmedS = s.substring( 0, t.length() );
            } else {
                trimmedT = t.substring( 0, s.length() );

        double result = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < trimmedS.length(); i++ ) {
            double penalty = Math.max( 0.0, ( 1.0 - i / ( weight * trimmedS.length() ) ) );
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/ObjectMatrixImpl.java 180
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/StringMatrix.java 198
result.set( r, c++, this.get( i, j ) );
         * FIXME set up the row/column names.
        return result;


    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        buf.append( "label" );
        for ( int i = 0; i < columns(); i++ ) {
            buf.append( "\t" + getColName( i ) );
        buf.append( "\n" );

        for ( int i = 0; i < rows(); i++ ) {
            buf.append( getRowName( i ) );
            for ( int j = 0; j < columns(); j++ ) {
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 156
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/DenseDoubleMatrix.java 142
returnval.setRowName( rowName, j );
                returnval.set( j, k, this.get( j, i ) );
        return returnval;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrixNamed#getColumn(int)
    public double[] getColumn( int col ) {
        double[] result = new double[rows()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < rows(); i++ ) {
            result[i] = get( i, col );
        return result;

    public Double getObject( int row, int col ) {
        return new Double( get( row, col ) );

     * Return a reference to a specific row.
     * @param row int
     * @return double[]
    public double[] getRow( int row ) {
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 103
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix.java 97
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 100
DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( this.rows(), this.columns() );

        for ( int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++ ) {
            returnval.setRowName( this.getRowName( i ), i );
            for ( int j = 0; j < this.columns(); j++ ) {
                if ( i == 0 ) {
                    returnval.setColumnName( this.getColName( j ), j );
                returnval.set( i, j, this.get( i, j ) );
        return returnval;


     * @param row
     * @param column
     * @return
    public double get( int row, int column ) {
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/DenseDoubleMatrix.java 142
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix.java 141
if ( rowName != null ) returnval.addRowName( rowName );
                returnval.set( j, k, this.get( j, i ) );
        return returnval;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrixNamed#getColumn(int)
    public double[] getColumn( int col ) {
        double[] result = new double[rows()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < rows(); i++ ) {
            result[i] = get( i, col );
        return result;

     * Converts to a String that can be read by read.table in R, using default parameters
     * @return java.lang.String
     * public String toRReadTableString() { Format nf = new Format( "%.4g" ); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(
     * this.rows() * this.columns() ); if ( this.hasColNames() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < this.columns(); i++ ) {
     * result.append( "\"" + this.getColName( i ) +"\" "); System.out.println("\"" + this.getColName( i ) +"\" "); }
     * result.append( "\n" ); } for ( int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++ ) { if ( this.hasRowNames() ) { result.append("\""
     * + this.getRowName( i ) + "\"" ); } for ( int j = 0; j < this.columns(); j++ ) { if ( Double.isNaN( this.get( i, j
     * ) ) ) { result.append( " NA" ); } else { result.append( " " + nf.format( this.get( i, j ) ) ); } } result.append(
     * "\n" ); } return result.toString(); }

    public Double getObject( int row, int col ) {
        return new Double( get( row, col ) );

     * Return a reference to a specific row.
     * @param row int
     * @return double[]
    public double[] getRow( int row ) {
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 242
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix.java 208
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 224
DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( endRow + 1 - startRow, this.columns() );
        int k = 0;
        for ( int i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++ ) {
            R rowName = this.getRowName( i );
            if ( rowName != null ) {
                returnval.setRowName( rowName, i );
            for ( int j = 0, m = this.columns(); j < m; j++ ) {
                if ( i == 0 ) {
                    C colName = this.getColName( j );
                    returnval.setColumnName( colName, j );
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 297
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/DenseDoubleMatrix.java 286
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix.java 263
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 277
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/StringMatrix.java 42
DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new DenseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( this.rows(), columns.size() );
        returnval.setRowNames( this.getRowNames() );
        for ( int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++ ) {
            int currentColumn = 0;
            for ( C c : columns ) {
                int j = this.getColIndexByName( c );

                returnval.set( i, currentColumn, this.get( i, j ) );

                if ( i == 0 ) {
                    returnval.setColumnName( c, currentColumn );



        return returnval;
File Line
ubic/basecode/math/linearmodels/LeastSquaresFit.java 1310
ubic/basecode/math/linearmodels/LeastSquaresFit.java 1581
assert this.assign.isEmpty() || this.assign.size() == this.coefficients.rows() : assign.size()
                + " != # coefficients " + this.coefficients.rows();

        assert this.coefficients.rows() == A.columns();

        // It is somewhat wasteful to hold on to this.
        this.fitted = solver.transpose(MatrixUtil.multWithMissing(A, coefficients));

        if (this.hasMissing) {
            MatrixUtil.maskMissing(b, fitted);

        this.residuals = b.copy().assign(fitted, Functions.minus);
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedSparseDoubleMatrix.java 297
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/DenseDoubleMatrix.java 286
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/FastRowAccessDoubleMatrix.java 263
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/ObjectMatrixImpl.java 48
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/SparseDoubleMatrix.java 277
DoubleMatrix<R, C> returnval = new DenseDoubleMatrix<R, C>( this.rows(), columns.size() );
        returnval.setRowNames( this.getRowNames() );
        for ( int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++ ) {
            int currentColumn = 0;
            for ( C c : columns ) {
                int j = this.getColIndexByName( c );

                returnval.set( i, currentColumn, this.get( i, j ) );

                if ( i == 0 ) {
                    returnval.setColumnName( c, currentColumn );



        return returnval;

    public DoubleMatrix<R, C> subsetRows( List<R> rowNames ) {
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/ObjectMatrixImpl.java 48
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/StringMatrix.java 42
ObjectMatrixImpl<R, C, V> returnval = new ObjectMatrixImpl<R, C, V>( this.rows(), columns.size() );
        returnval.setRowNames( this.getRowNames() );
        for ( int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++ ) {
            int currentColumn = 0;
            for ( C c : columns ) {
                int j = this.getColIndexByName( c );

                returnval.set( i, currentColumn, this.get( i, j ) );

                if ( i == 0 ) {
                    returnval.setColumnName( c, currentColumn );



        return returnval;
File Line
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedBitMatrix.java 290
ubic/basecode/dataStructure/matrix/CompressedBitMatrix.java 431
public void set( int row, int col, int index ) {
        if ( index >= this.totalBitsPerItem || row > this.rows || col > this.cols ) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException( "Attempt to access row=" + row + " col=" + col + " index="
                    + index );

         * We can only fit BITS_PER_ELEMENT values in each matrix cell. If num > 0, we have multiple 'stacked' matrices.
        int num = ( int ) Math.floor( ( double ) index / BITS_PER_ELEMENT );
        assert num >= 0 && num < matrix.length;
        int whichBitToSet = index % BITS_PER_ELEMENT;
        long currentValue = Double.doubleToRawLongBits( matrix[num].get( row, col ) );
File Line
ubic/basecode/datafilter/RowAbsentFilter.java 136
ubic/basecode/datafilter/RowNameFilter.java 91
rowNames.add( rowName );

        M returnval = getOutputMatrix( data, MTemp.size(), numCols );
        for ( int i = 0; i < MTemp.size(); i++ ) {
            for ( int j = 0; j < numCols; j++ ) {
                returnval.set( i, j, MTemp.get( i )[j] );
        returnval.setColumnNames( data.getColNames() );
        returnval.setRowNames( rowNames );

        log.info( "There are " + kept + " rows left after filtering." );

        return returnval;

     * @param f the matrix containing the flags.
    public void setFlagMatrix( StringMatrix<R, C> f ) {
File Line
ubic/basecode/ontology/jena/AbstractOntologyResource.java 100
ubic/basecode/ontology/model/OntologyTermSimple.java 142
return Objects.compare( this, other, comparator );

    public boolean equals( Object obj ) {
        if ( this == obj ) return true;
        if ( obj == null ) return false;
        if ( getClass() != obj.getClass() ) return false;
        final OntologyResource other = ( OntologyResource ) obj;
        if ( getLabel() == null ) {
            if ( other.getLabel() != null ) return false;
        } else if ( !getLabel().equals( other.getLabel() ) ) return false;
        if ( getUri() == null ) {