Class RowMissingFilter<M extends Matrix2D<R,​C,​V>,​R,​C,​V>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RowMissingFilter<M extends Matrix2D<R,​C,​V>,​R,​C,​V>
    extends AbstractFilter<M,​R,​C,​V>
    Remove rows from a matrix that are missing too many points.
    Paul Pavlidis
    • Constructor Detail

      • RowMissingFilter

        public RowMissingFilter()
    • Method Detail

      • filter

        public M filter​(M data)
        Description copied from interface: Filter
        Filter the data
        data - a NamedMatrix. Some types of filters require that this be of a particular type of implementation of the Filter interface.
        The resulting filtered matrix
      • setMaxFractionRemoved

        public void setMaxFractionRemoved​(double f)
        Set the maximum fraction of rows which will be removed from the data set. The default value is 0.3 Set it to 1.0 to remove this restriction.
        f - double
      • setMinPresentCount

        public void setMinPresentCount​(int m)
        Set the minimum number of values that must be present in each row. The default value is 5. This is always overridden by a hard-coded value (currently 2) that must be present for a row to be kept; but this value is in turn overridden by the maxfractionRemoved.
        m - int
      • setMinPresentFraction

        public void setMinPresentFraction​(double k)
        k - double the fraction of values to be removed.