Package ubic.basecode.datafilter
Class RowMissingFilter<M extends Matrix2D<R,C,V>,R,C,V>
- java.lang.Object
- ubic.basecode.datafilter.AbstractFilter<M,R,C,V>
- ubic.basecode.datafilter.RowMissingFilter<M,R,C,V>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class RowMissingFilter<M extends Matrix2D<R,C,V>,R,C,V> extends AbstractFilter<M,R,C,V>
Remove rows from a matrix that are missing too many points.- Author:
- Paul Pavlidis
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ubic.basecode.datafilter.AbstractFilter
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description RowMissingFilter()
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description M
filter(M data)
Filter the datavoid
setMaxFractionRemoved(double f)
Set the maximum fraction of rows which will be removed from the data set.void
setMinPresentCount(int m)
Set the minimum number of values that must be present in each row.void
setMinPresentFraction(double k)
Methods inherited from class ubic.basecode.datafilter.AbstractFilter
Method Detail
public M filter(M data)
Description copied from interface:Filter
Filter the data- Parameters:
- a NamedMatrix. Some types of filters require that this be of a particular type of implementation of the Filter interface.- Returns:
- The resulting filtered matrix
public void setMaxFractionRemoved(double f)
Set the maximum fraction of rows which will be removed from the data set. The default value is 0.3 Set it to 1.0 to remove this restriction.- Parameters:
- double
public void setMinPresentCount(int m)
Set the minimum number of values that must be present in each row. The default value is 5. This is always overridden by a hard-coded value (currently 2) that must be present for a row to be kept; but this value is in turn overridden by the maxfractionRemoved.- Parameters:
- int
public void setMinPresentFraction(double k)
- Parameters:
- double the fraction of values to be removed.