All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractHeatmapTag<T extends Heatmap> AbstractSetListContainer AbstractStaticAssetTag Base class for tags that refers to static assets.AnnotationController Controller for methods involving annotation of experiments (and potentially other things); delegates to OntologyService and the CharacteristicService.ArrayDesignAddCommand ArrayDesignController Note: do not use parametrized collections as parameters for ajax methods in this class!ArrayDesignFormController Controller for editing basic information about array designs.ArrayDesignGroupingTag For display of information about array designs that subsume or are subsumed.ArrayDesignHtmlUtil Yes, this is used by the ArrayDesignController, but should be phased out.ArrayDesignProbeMapperController A controller to run array design probe mapper either locally or in a space.ArrayDesignPropertyEditor Used to convert ArrayDesigns from and into strings for display in forms.ArrayDesignRepeatScanController A controller to run array design repeat scan either locally or in a space.ArrayDesignRepeatScanTask ArrayDesignRepeatScanTaskCommand A command object to be used by spaces.ArrayDesignRepeatScanTaskImpl An array design repeat scan spaces taskArrayDesignValueObjectExt Extended value object to carry more data to client.AssayViewTag Used to display table of biomaterials and bioassays.AuditController This is required solely for exposing auditables to remote services would try to marshall the abstract class Auditable.BaseController Extend this to create a simple Single or MultiActionController; includes configuration for sending email and setting messages in the session.BaseFormController Deprecated. SimpleFormController
is deprecated, use annotations-based GET/POST mapping instead.BatchInfoFetchController For populating "batch" information about experiments.BatchInfoRepopulationJob Schedule job that populates batch information for all experiments that have been updated since the last run.BibliographicReferenceController This controller is responsible for showing a list of all bibliographic references, as well sending the user to the pubMed.Detail.view when they click on a specific link in that list.BioAssayController BioMaterialController BlatResultTrackController CacheMonitor CacheMonitorImpl Get statistics about and manage caches.CharacteristicBrowserController NOTE: Logging messages from this service are important for tracking changes to annotations.CharacteristicConverter CharacteristicTag ClassConverter ClientAbortExceptionResolver Resolves a ClientAbortException to an empty view.CoexpressionSearchController CoexSearchTaskCommand CommonsMultipartFile Deprecated. CommonsMultipartMonitoredResolver An adaptation of the standard Spring CommonsMultipartResolver that uses a MonitoredOutputStream.CompositeSequenceController ConfigurationCookie Cookie class that also presents a commons configuration interface.Constants Constant values used throughout the application.ConstantsTag This class is designed to put all the public variables in a class to a specified scope - designed for exposing a Constants class to Tag Libraries.ConstantsTei Implementation ofTagExtraInfo
for the constants tag, identifying the scripting object(s) to be made visible.ControllerUtils Created by tesarst on 09/03/17.CustomRssViewer DatabaseEntryTag DEDVController Exposes methods for accessing underlying Design Element Data Vectors. eg: ajax methods for visualizationDefaultHandlerExceptionResolver Custom exception resolver for Gemma.DesignMatrixRowValueObject For the display of a summary table about experimental design.DifferentialExpressionAnalysisController A controller to run differential expression analysis either locally or in a space.DifferentialExpressionAnalyzerInfo Used to carry information about the experimental design analysis settings to clients.DifferentialExpressionSearchController A controller used to get differential expression analysis and meta analysis results.DiffExMetaAnalyzerController A controller to analyze result sets either locally or in a space.DiffExpressionSearchCommand DirectionConverter DWR converter for Direction type.DoublePointConverter The 8 decimal precision of a double is just a waste of bandwidth in most cases.Ee2AdUpdateJob Ee2cUpdateJob EntityDelegator<T extends Identifiable> Bean to expose for remote access via AJAX, when all that is needed is the ID and a way to know what the class is.EntityLinkTag Tag that generates an HTML link for a givenIdentifiable
entity.EntityNotFoundException Signals that an entity was not found in the system.ExceptionTag ExperimentalDesignController Main entry point to editing and viewing experimental designs.ExperimentalFactorValueWebUIObject ExperimentQCTag ExperimentSetListContainer ExpressionDataFileUploadController Replaces SimpleExpressionExperimentLoadControllerExpressionDataHeatmapTag ExpressionExperimentController ExpressionExperimentDataFetchCommand ExpressionExperimentDataFetchController For the download of data files from the browser.ExpressionExperimentEditController Handle advanced editing of expression experiments.ExpressionExperimentEditController.ExpressionExperimentEditForm ExpressionExperimentEditController.QuantitationTypeEditForm ExpressionExperimentEditValueObject ExpressionExperimentExperimentalFactorValueObject ExpressionExperimentLoadController Handles loading of Expression data into the system when the source is GEO or ArrayExpress, via Spring MVC or AJAX.ExpressionExperimentQCController ExpressionExperimentQCUtils Helper functions for checking existence etc. of QC information.ExpressionExperimentReportGenerationController ExpressionExperimentSetController For fetching and manipulating ExpressionExperimentSets.ExpressionExperimentUploadResponse ExpressionExperimentVisualizationCommand Expression experiment command object that wraps expression experiment visualization preferences.ExpressionProfileDataObject A lightweight object to hold expression data for a single probe.ExternalStaticAssetServer FactorProfile Represents data for displaying a factor (+ factor values) in a chart.FactorValueTag FailedMultipartHttpServletRequest Used to allow downstream processing to figure out multipart resolution failed without throwing an exception.FileUpload Command class to handle uploading of a fileFileUploadController Controller class to upload Files.FileUploadUtil Utility methods for uploading files.GemmaClassicHomePageController Deprecated. GeneController GeneExpressionProfile Expression data for one probe; designed for conveying small amounts of data to clients.GenePickerController For 'live searches' from the web interface.GeneralSearchController Note: do not use parametrized collections as parameters for ajax methods in this class!GeneralSearchController.SearchResultValueObject<T extends IdentifiableValueObject<?>> GeneSetController Exposes GeneSetServices methods over ajax.GeneSetListContainer GeneSymbolComparator GeoRecordBrowserController GOEvidenceCodeConverter HibernateMonitor HibernateMonitorImpl Monitoring of Hibernate status.HomePageController Responsible for display of the Gemma 2.0 home page.ImageTag Write an<img/>
tag.IndexController InitializeContext Performs the standard context preparation fromSpringContextUtils.prepareContext(ApplicationContext)
as well as some more specific Web-related setups.InternalStaticAssetServer JavascriptLogger Class to handle saving client-side javascript error messages and warnings to a server-side log.JsonReaderResponse<T> Creates a response that can be consumed by an JsonUtil Utilities for writing JSON payloads toHttpServletResponse
.JSONView LabelValue A simple JavaBean to represent label-value pairs.LinkAnalysisController A controller to pre-process expression data vectors.ListBatchCommand Encapsulates information needed for generic list browsing.MaintenanceModeController Performs actions required when we wish to indicate that the system is undergoing maintenance and many not behave normally.MessageUtil Provides methods for putting messages to the user in the session.MessageUtilImpl MetaFile Wrapper for metadata file information for the frontendMeterRegistryWebConfigurer Configured theenvironment='web'
tag to the provided registry.MonitoredDiskFileItem Commons FileItem that uses a MonitoredOutputStreamMonitoredDiskFileItemFactory MonitoredOutputStream OutputStream that puts information on how many bytes have been read into a OutputStreamListener.NewsItem OntologyController Provide minimal support for exposing Gemma ontology.OutputStreamListener PreprocessController A controller to pre-process expression data (including updating diagnostics)ProgressStatusService These methods are exposed to front-end.ProgressStatusServiceImpl This class exposes methods for AJAX calls.PubMedConfig PubMedQueryController Allow users to search for and view PubMed abstracts from NCBI, or from Gemma.PubMedSearchCommand Supports seaching of pubmed referencesQuantitationTypePropertyEditor ReCaptcha ReCaptchaException ReCaptchaResponse RssFeedController ScaleTypeConverter ScriptTag Write a<style/>
tag.SecureMethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean Specialization of Spring task-running support so task threads have secure context (without using MODE_GLOBAL!).SecureQuartzJobBean A secure Quartz job bean that executes with a given security context.SecurityController Manages data-level security (ie. can make data private).SecurityInfoValueObject Carries extensive security information about an entity.SequenceTypePropertyEditor ServiceUnavailableException Exception raised when a service is unavailable.ServletMetricsFilter Metrics for servlet requests.SessionListManager SessionListManagerImpl ShortBibliographicReferenceTag SidValueObject SignupController Controller to signup new users.SimpleExpressionExperimentCommandValidation Stores information about the validation status of an attempted expression experiment load.SimpleExpressionExperimentLoadTaskCommand Extends a SimpleExpressionExperimentMetaData with information about the fileSimpleHttp SingleCellSparsityHeatmapTag Tag for displaying a single-cell sparsity heatmap.SlackAppender StandardQuantitationTypeConverter StartupListener Slight variant ofContextLoaderListener
that logs the time taken to initialize the context.StaticAssetResolver Resolve static assets either fromaInternalStaticAssetServer
or from the webapp resources.StaticAssetServer StaticAssetServerConfig StringPoint StyleTag write a<style/>
tag.SvdController Run SVD on a data set.SystemMonitorController Provide statistics about the system: hibernate, caches etc.SystemStatsController System statisticsTagWriterUtils TaskCompletionController Exposes progress status service check result to the front end.TaxonController TaxonPropertyEditor Used to convert Taxon from and into strings for display in forms.TextView Simply prints text to the client.TwoChannelMissingValueController Run misssing value computation via web request.UnhandledExceptionResolver Resolver used when no other resolver can intervene.UploadInfo UploadListener This is created when a multipart request is received (via the CommonsMultipartMonitoredResolver).UserCounterListener Count active sessionsUserFormMultiActionController Controller to edit profile of users.UserGroupValueObject UserListController For display and editing of users.UserTracker Basic bean to hold number of sessions.UserUpdateCommand Just like a regular user; but has 'new password' and 'confirm password' fields.UserValueObject VisualizationValueObject Stores expression profile data from one expression experiment for plotting.WebConstants Constant values used throughout the web portion of Gemma.WebEntityUrlBuilder This builder has extras URL-generating capabilities for Web applications.WhatsNewController Controller to provide information on "what's new" in the systemXmlView Model should contain a single value matching XML_PARAM