Class ProcessedExpressionDataVector

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProcessedExpressionDataVector

        public ProcessedExpressionDataVector()
    • Method Detail

      • getRankByMax

        public Double getRankByMax()
        The relative expression level of this vector in the study. Used as a quick-and-dirty way to provide feedback about the expession level without referring to any absolute baseline other than the minimum in the entire dataset, based on the maximum expression measurement for the probe (so the probe with the lowest expression is the one with the lowest maximum value). For two-color data sets, this is computed using the intensity values for the probe in the two channels, not from the ratios stored in this vector. For one-color data sets, this is computed directly from the intensity levels in this vector.
      • setRankByMax

        public void setRankByMax​(Double rankByMax)
      • getRankByMean

        public Double getRankByMean()
        The relative expression level of this vector in the study. Used as a quick-and-dirty way to provide feedback about the expession level without referring to any absolute baseline other than the minimum in the entire dataset, based on the mean expression measurement for the probe. For two-color data sets, this is computed using the intensity values for the probe in the two channels, not from the ratios stored in this vector. For one-color data sets, this is computed directly from the intensity levels in this vector.
      • setRankByMean

        public void setRankByMean​(Double rankByMean)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code based on this entity's identifiers.
        Specified by:
        hashCode in class DataVector