BaseController |
Extend this to create a simple Single or MultiActionController; includes configuration for sending email and setting
messages in the session.
BaseFormController |
ControllerUtils |
Created by tesarst on 09/03/17.
EmptyController |
This exists just to have an easy way to trick web pages into importing DWR-defined classes that are not in dwrServices.js.
ExpressionExperimentReportGenerationController |
GeneralSearchController.SearchResultValueObject<T extends ubic.gemma.model.IdentifiableValueObject<?>> |
GeneralSearchControllerImpl |
Note: do not use parametrized collections as parameters for ajax methods in this class! Type information is lost
during proxy creation so DWR can't figure out what type of collection the method should take.
IndexController |
OntologyController |
Provide minimal support for exposing Gemma ontology.
PhenotypeController |
Controller for phenotype
TaskCompletionController |
Exposes progress status service check result to the front end.
WebConstants |
Constant values used throughout the web portion of Gemma.