All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbaGene |
ABALinkOutValueObject |
Value Object for transporting details needed from other websites to provide convenient links to them in gemma
AbstractAnalyzer |
Analyzer base class.
AbstractAsyncFactoryBean<T> |
AbstractAuditable |
An entity which can have an audit trail attached to it.
AbstractCriteriaFilteringVoEnabledDao<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
AbstractCuratableDao<C extends Curatable,VO extends AbstractCuratableValueObject<C>> |
Created by tesarst on 07/03/17.
AbstractCuratableValueObject<C extends Curatable> |
Created by tesarst on 07/03/17.
AbstractDao<T extends Identifiable> |
AbstractDao can find the generic type at runtime and simplify the code implementation of the BaseDao interface
AbstractDescribable |
AbstractDesignElementDataVectorDao<T extends DesignElementDataVector> |
AbstractDesignElementDataVectorService<T extends DesignElementDataVector> |
AbstractDifferentialExpressionAnalyzer |
An abstract differential expression analyzer to be extended
AbstractFactorValueValueObject |
The bare minimum to represent a factor value.
AbstractFetcher |
AbstractFileService<T> |
Provide base implementation for all sorts of file services that serialize data in tabular format.
AbstractFilteringVoEnabledDao<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
AbstractFilteringVoEnabledDao.FilterablePropertyMeta |
Meta-information for a filterable property.
AbstractFilteringVoEnabledService<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
AbstractGeoService |
AbstractMatrixRowPairAnalysis |
AbstractMeterRegistryConfigurer |
AbstractNoopFilteringVoEnabledDao<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
Base class to use to pretend to offer filtering, but actually supporting no filterable properties.
AbstractOntologyResourceSimple |
AbstractPersister |
AbstractPersister.Caches |
Various caches to refer back to not-yet persisted entities (and thus not easily obtainable from the persistence
AbstractQueryFilteringVoEnabledDao<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
AbstractService<O extends Identifiable> |
Base for all services handling DAO access.
AbstractTask<C extends TaskCommand> |
AbstractVoEnabledDao<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
Created by tesarst on 01/06/17.
AbstractVoEnabledService<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
Created by tesarst on 01/06/17.
AclAdvice |
For permissions modification to be triggered, the method name must match certain patterns, which include "create", or
AclAfterCollectionCompSeqByArrayDesignFilter |
For this particular AfterInvocationProvider, composite sequence authorization is determined based on the secured
array design acl.
AclAfterCollectionDataVectorByExpressionExperimentFilter |
Filter collections of DesignElementDataVectors or DataVectorValueObjects based on the permissions of the associated
AclAfterCompSeqByArrayDesignFilter |
AclCriteriaUtils |
Utilities for integrating ACLs with Hibernate Criteria API.
AclQueryUtils |
Utilities for integrating ACL into Query .
AffyChipTypeExtractor |
Extract the chip type from Affymetrix CEL files.
AffyPowerToolsProbesetSummarize |
AffyProbeNameFilter |
AffyProbeNameFilter.Pattern |
AffyProbeReader |
Reads Affymetrix Probe files, including exon arrays.
AffyScanDateExtractor |
Extract the scan date from Affymetrix CEL files.
AgilentScanDateExtractor |
Because agilent makes slides that work with any scanner, the formats are not that predictable.
AlignmentBasedGeneMappingEvent |
Signifies a mapping based on sequence alignment performed by the system.
AllenBrainAtlasService |
AllenBrainAtlasServiceImpl |
Acts as a convenient front end to the Allen Brain Atlas REST (web) services Used the as the original
template for this Service (found in ABA demo code).
AlreadyExistsInSystemException |
Can be thrown when an attempt is made to load data into the system that already exists.
AlternateName |
AlternateName.Factory |
Analysis |
An analysis of one or more Investigations.
AnalysisDao<T extends SingleExperimentAnalysis> |
AnalysisResult |
AnalysisResultSet<R extends AnalysisResult> |
An abstract class representing a related set of generic analysis results, part of an analysis.
AnalysisResultSetDao<K extends AnalysisResult,O extends AnalysisResultSet<K>> |
AnalysisResultSetService<K extends AnalysisResult,O extends AnalysisResultSet<K>> |
AnalysisResultSetValueObject<K extends AnalysisResult,R extends AnalysisResultSet<K>> |
AnalysisResultValueObject<A extends AnalysisResult> |
AnalysisSelectionAndExecutionService |
AnalysisSelectionAndExecutionServiceImpl |
A differential expression analysis tool that executes the appropriate analysis based on the number of experimental
factors and factor values, as well as the block design.
AnalysisService<T extends Analysis> |
Provides basic services for dealing with analyses
AnalysisSuitabilityEvent |
Used for indication of the suitability, or unsuitability, of an entity for a particular type of analysis.
AnalysisUtilService |
AnalysisUtilServiceImpl |
Utility methods for dealing with analyses.
AnalysisValueObject<T extends Analysis> |
AnnotationAssociation |
An association between BioSequence and GeneProduct that is provided through an external annotation source, rather
than our own sequence analysis.
AnnotationAssociation.Factory |
AnnotationAssociationDao |
AnnotationAssociationDaoImpl |
AnnotationAssociationService |
AnnotationAssociationServiceImpl |
AnnotationBasedGeneMappingEvent |
To signify the array design was mapped from an external source, not by our own sequence analysis.
AnnotationEvent |
AnnotationValueObject |
ArchiveFetcher |
Interface defining a class that downloads archives and unpacks them.
ArrayDesign |
Represents an assembly of design elements that are assayed all at once.
ArrayDesign.Factory |
ArrayDesignAnalysisEvent |
An event involving the analysis of an ArrayDesign
ArrayDesignAnnotationService |
Methods to generate annotations for array designs, based on information already in the database.
ArrayDesignAnnotationService.OutputType |
ArrayDesignAnnotationServiceImpl |
ArrayDesignDao |
Created by tesarst on 13/03/17.
ArrayDesignDaoImpl |
ArrayDesignGeneMappingEvent |
The mapping of probes to genes for an ArrayDesign
ArrayDesignMapResultService |
ArrayDesignMapResultServiceImpl |
Supports obtaining detailed information about the sequence analysis of probes on microarrays.
ArrayDesignMergeEvent |
ArrayDesignMergeHelperService |
ArrayDesignMergeHelperServiceImpl |
ArrayDesignMergeService |
Make new array design based on others
Keep map of relation between new design elements and old ones
Store relationship with mergees
ArrayDesignMergeServiceImpl |
ArrayDesignParser |
Deprecated. |
ArrayDesignPersister |
This class handles persisting array designs.
ArrayDesignProbeMapperService |
ArrayDesignProbeMapperServiceImpl |
For an array design, generate gene product mappings for the sequences.
ArrayDesignProbeMapperTaskImpl |
A probe mapper spaces task .
ArrayDesignProbeMapTaskCommand |
A command object to be used by spaces.
ArrayDesignProbeRenamingEvent |
Signifies that the probes were renamed from their original values.
ArrayDesignRepeatAnalysisEvent |
ArrayDesignReportService |
ArrayDesignReportServiceImpl |
ArrayDesignSequenceAlignmentService |
ArrayDesignSequenceAlignmentServiceImpl |
Aligns sequences from array designs to the genome, using blat, and persists the blat results.
ArrayDesignSequenceAnalysisEvent |
The sequence alignment analysis of an ArrayDesign
ArrayDesignSequenceProcessingService |
ArrayDesignSequenceProcessingServiceImpl |
Handles collapsing the sequences, attaching sequences to DesignElements, either from provided input or via a fetch.
ArrayDesignSequenceRemoveEvent |
Used to indicate that all associations that this array design has with BioSequences have been removed.
ArrayDesignSequenceUpdateEvent |
The updating of the sequences associated with an ArrayDesign
ArrayDesignService |
ArrayDesignServiceImpl |
ArrayDesignsForExperimentCache |
Used to hold information for matching to a new experiment, during persisting.
ArrayDesignSubsumeCheckEvent |
ArrayDesignValueObject |
Value object for quickly displaying varied information about Array Designs.
ArrayExpressUtil |
AsyncFactoryBean<T> |
AsyncFactoryBeanUtils |
Utilities for manipulating async factory beans.
Auditable |
Created by tesarst on 07/03/17.
AuditableObject |
AuditAction |
AuditAdvice |
Manage audit trails on objects.
AuditEvent |
An event in the life of an object.
AuditEvent.Factory |
AuditEventDao |
AuditEventDaoImpl |
AuditEventService |
AuditEventServiceImpl |
AuditEventType |
AuditEventValueObject |
AuditTrail |
The trail of events (create or update) that occurred in an objects lifetime.
AuditTrail.Factory |
AuditTrailDao |
AuditTrailDaoImpl |
AuditTrailService |
Create and manipulate audit trails.
AuditTrailServiceImpl |
AutomatedAnnotationEvent |
BaseCodeConfigurer |
Configure the baseCode library from a given property sources.
BaseCodeOntologySearchException |
BaseDao<T> |
Interface that supports basic CRUD operations.
BaseExpressionDataMatrix<T> |
Base class for ExpressionDataMatrix implementations.
BaseImmutableService<O extends Identifiable> |
Base service class for an immutable entity.
Baseline |
Represents a baseline for a single factor or an interaction of factors.
BaselineSelection |
Utilities for deciding if a factor value is a baseline condition.
BaseReadOnlyService<O extends Identifiable> |
Interface for read-only services.
BaseScanDateExtractor |
BaseService<O extends Identifiable> |
Interface that supports basic CRUD operations.
BaseValueObject |
BaseVoEnabledDao<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
Created by tesarst on 01/06/17.
BaseVoEnabledService<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
Created by tesarst on 01/06/17.
BasicLineMapParser<K,T> |
A line parser that produces a Map instead of a Collection.
BasicLineParser<T> |
A simple LineParser implementation that doesn't do anything.
BatchConfound |
Represents a summary of a batch effect confound.
BatchConfoundUtils |
Test if an experimental design is confounded with batches.
BatchCorrectionEvent |
BatchEffectDetails |
provide some basic information about the properties and strength of a batch effect, if any.
BatchEffectType |
Represents a batch effect.
BatchInfoFetchTask |
BatchInfoFetchTaskCommand |
BatchInfoFetchTaskImpl |
Task to try to get 'batch' information about an experiment.
BatchInfoMissingException |
Indicate that batch information is missing.
BatchInfoParser |
Parse information on batch from raw data files.
BatchInfoPopulationException |
Used to indicate a problem with the population of batch information for a given
ExpressionExperiment .
BatchInfoPopulationHelperService |
BatchInfoPopulationHelperServiceImpl |
BatchInfoPopulationService |
Retrieve batch information from the data source, if possible, and populate it into experiments.
BatchInfoPopulationServiceImpl |
Retrieve batch information from the data source, if possible, and populate it into experiments.
BatchInformationEvent |
Abstract class for events related to batch information.
BatchInformationFetchingEvent |
Indicates that batch information was successfully obtained.
BatchInformationMissingEvent |
Indicate that batch information has been looked for and was missing.
BatchProblemsUpdateEvent |
Event that tracks when batch effects or problems are detected.
BeanFactoryUtils |
Utilities for working with bean factories.
BeanInitializationTimeMonitor |
Hook into the bean post-processing lifecycle and record bean initialization time.
BeanNameGenerator |
Our \@Service etc.
BibliographicPhenotypesValueObject |
BibliographicReference |
BibliographicReference.Factory |
BibliographicReferenceDao |
BibliographicReferenceDaoImpl |
BibliographicReferenceService |
BibliographicReferenceServiceImpl |
Implementation of BibliographicReferenceService.
BibliographicReferenceValueObject |
represents a BibliographicReferenceValueObject when this value object is needed in core, the same value object exists
in web
BibRefAnnotation |
BioAssay |
Represents the bringing together of a biomaterial with an assay of some sort (typically an expression assay).
BioAssay.Factory |
BioAssayDao |
BioAssayDaoImpl |
BioAssayDimension |
Stores the order of BioAssays referred to in DataVectors.
BioAssayDimension.Factory |
BioAssayDimensionDao |
BioAssayDimensionDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.BioAssayDimension .
BioAssayDimensionService |
BioAssayDimensionServiceImpl |
Spring Service base class for BioAssayDimensionService , provides access to all services and entities
referenced by this service.
BioAssayDimensionValueObject |
BioAssayOutlierProcessingTask |
BioAssayOutlierProcessingTaskCommand |
BioAssayOutlierProcessingTaskImpl |
Handle 'flagging' a sample as an outlier.
BioAssayService |
BioAssayServiceImpl |
BioAssaySet |
Represents a set of BioAssays.
BioAssaySetService |
Generic service for dealing with all subclasses of BioAssaySet .
BioAssaySetServiceImpl |
BioAssayValueObject |
BiomartEnsembleNcbiParser |
Parser for BioMart file.
BiomartEnsemblNcbiFetcher |
BioMart is a query-oriented data management system.
BiomartEnsemblNcbiObjectGenerator |
Class that is responsible for generating a map of BioMartEnsembleNcbiObject value objects which are keyed on ensemble
protein id.
BioMaterial |
In MAGE, BioMaterial is an abstract class that represents the important substances such as cells, tissues, DNA,
proteins, etc...
BioMaterial.Factory |
BioMaterialDao |
BioMaterialDaoImpl |
BioMaterialMappingUpdate |
To indicate that the biomaterial to bioassay mapping of the expression experiment was modified.
BioMaterialService |
BioMaterialServiceImpl |
BioMaterialValueObject |
BioSequence |
The sequence of a biological polymer such as a protein or DNA.
BioSequence.Factory |
BioSequence2GeneProduct |
An association between a BioSequence and a Gene Product.
BioSequenceDao |
BioSequenceDaoImpl |
BioSequenceService |
BioSequenceServiceImpl |
Spring Service base class for BioSequenceService , provides access to
all services and entities referenced by this service.
BioSequenceValueObject |
BlacklistedEntity |
BlacklistedEntityDao |
BlacklistedEntityDaoImpl |
BlacklistedEntityService |
BlacklistedEntityServiceImpl |
BlacklistedExperiment |
TODO Document Me
BlacklistedPlatform |
BlacklistedValueObject |
Blat |
BlatAssociation |
BlatAssociation.Factory |
BlatAssociationDao |
BlatAssociationDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
BlatAssociation .
BlatAssociationScorer |
Given a set of BlatAssociations that might be redundant, clean them up and score them.
BlatAssociationService |
BlatAssociationServiceImpl |
Spring Service base class for BlatAssociationService , provides access to all services and entities
referenced by this service.
BlatResult |
Represents the result of a BLAT search.
BlatResult.Factory |
BlatResult2Psl |
Used to convert BlatResult objects into PSL lines that can be displayed in the UCSC Genome Browser.
BlatResultDao |
BlatResultDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.genome.sequenceAnalysis.BlatResult .
BlatResultParser |
Loader to handle results generated by Jim Kent's Blat.
BlatResultService |
BlatResultServiceImpl |
Spring Service base class for BlatResultService , provides access to all services and entities referenced
by this service.
BlatResultValueObject |
BooleanVectorValueObject |
This is used to represent missing value data.
BootstrappedDataSourceFactory |
A bootstrapped data source that strips the database from the JDBC URL.
BrowsingDao<T> |
Support for paging through the data.
BuildInfo |
BusinessKey |
Methods to test business-key-related issues on objects.
CachedFilteringDao<O extends Identifiable> |
CachedFilteringVoEnabledDao<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
CachedProcessedExpressionDataVectorService |
CachedProcessedExpressionDataVectorServiceImpl |
CacheKeyLock |
Represents a lock over a cache key.
CacheKeyLock.LockAcquisition |
Represents an acquired lock on a cache key.
CacheUtils |
Created by tesarst on 04/04/17.
ChannelUtils |
Determine if a quantitation type (by name) represents background or signal.
Characteristic |
Instances of this are used to describe other entities.
Characteristic.Factory |
CharacteristicDao |
CharacteristicDao.CharacteristicUsageFrequency |
CharacteristicDaoImpl |
CharacteristicService |
CharacteristicServiceImpl |
CharacteristicUpdateCommand |
CharacteristicUpdateTask |
CharacteristicUpdateTaskImpl |
This handles characteristic updates from the client: experiment tags, characteristic browser
CharacteristicUtils |
CharacteristicValueObject |
Chromosome |
Immutable representation of a chromosome
ChromosomeDao |
ChromosomeDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.genome.Chromosome .
ChromosomeFeature |
Some part of a chromosome
ChromosomeLocation |
ChromosomeService |
ChromosomeServiceImpl |
Spring Service base class for ChromosomeService , provides access to all services
and entities referenced by this service.
ChromosomeUtils |
CitationValueObject |
Represents a BibliographicReference as a citation string (which is really super light value object).
CoexpCorrelationDistribution |
CoexpCorrelationDistribution.Factory |
CoexpressionAnalysis |
A coexpression analysis of one experiment.
CoexpressionAnalysis.Factory |
CoexpressionAnalysisDao |
CoexpressionAnalysisDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.analysis.expression.coexpression.CoexpressionAnalysis .
CoexpressionAnalysisService |
Deals with the Analysis objects for Coexpression - not the coexpression results themselves.
CoexpressionAnalysisServiceImpl |
CoexpressionCache |
Cache for coexpression results.
CoexpressionCacheImpl |
Configures the cache for gene2gene coexpression.
CoexpressionCacheValueObject |
Used to cache results; these objects are unmodifiable, and contains the coexpression data for one query gene and one
result gene, in all experiments.
CoexpressionDao |
CoexpressionDaoImpl |
Manages and queries coexpression 'links' between genes.
CoexpressionMetaValueObject |
CoexpressionNodeDegreeDao |
CoexpressionNodeDegreeDaoImpl |
CoexpressionSearchCommand |
CoexpressionService |
A key service for working with coexpression at a fairly low level.
CoexpressionServiceImpl |
CoexpressionSummaryValueObject |
CoexpressionValueObject |
Lightweight/convenient object for manipulating coexpression for a pair of genes.
CoexpressionValueObjectExt |
A more heavyweight version of CoexpressionValueObject; has a bit more information about the genes.
CommentedEvent |
An event indicating a comment was added to the auditable.
CommonPersister |
Persister for ubic.gemma.model.common package classes.
CommonQueries |
Contains methods to perform 'common' queries that are needed across DAOs.
CompositeSearchSource |
A search source constituted of multiple other sources.
CompositeSequence |
A "Probe set" (Affymetrix) or a "Probe" (other types of arrays).
CompositeSequence.Factory |
CompositeSequenceDao |
CompositeSequenceDaoImpl |
CompositeSequenceGeneMapperService |
CompositeSequenceMapSummary |
This is a convenience object to hold the results of CompositeSequence mapping results.
CompositeSequenceMapValueObject |
CompositeSequenceParser |
Parse the "old" array description format.
CompositeSequenceService |
CompositeSequenceServiceImpl |
CompositeSequenceValueObject |
Compound |
Compound.Factory |
CompoundDao |
CompoundDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.expression.biomaterial.Compound .
CompoundService |
CompoundServiceImpl |
Spring Service base class for CompoundService , provides access to all services and entities referenced
by this service.
Contact |
Representing a person or organization that can be contacted about, or is the source of, data in the system.
Contact.Factory |
ContactDao |
ContactDaoImpl |
ContactService |
ContactServiceImpl |
Contrast |
Represents a contrast.
ContrastResult |
Represents a contrast between "conditions".
ContrastResult.Factory |
ContrastResultValueObject |
Represents a contrast result.
ContrastsValueObject |
Stores selected details of the contrasts for a single DifferentialExpressionResult
ContrastVO |
Helper object, not for general use.
Converter<S,T> |
Defines a class that can convert objects from one type to another.
CreateDatabasePopulator |
Create a new database and drop an existing one if desired.
Curatable |
Created by tesarst on 06/03/17.
CuratableDao<C extends Curatable> |
Created by tesarst on 13/03/17.
CurationDetails |
Class encapsulating all the curation information for Curatable objects.
CurationDetailsEvent |
CurationNoteUpdateEvent |
Indicates that previous validation is being invalidated
DataAddedEvent |
Indicates that a data type (for a specific QuantitationType, possibly new) was added.
DataAnalysisEvidence |
Deprecated. |
DatabaseBackedGeneSetValueObject |
DatabaseEntry |
A reference to a record in a database.
DatabaseEntry.Factory |
DatabaseEntryDao |
DatabaseEntryDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
DatabaseEntry .
DatabaseEntryService |
DatabaseEntryServiceImpl |
Spring Service base class for DatabaseEntryService , provides access to all services and entities
referenced by this service.
DatabaseEntryValueObject |
ValueObject for database entry
DatabaseSchemaPopulator |
Populates the database schema.
DatabaseSearchSource |
Search source for direct database results.
DatabaseType |
DatabaseViewGenerator |
DatabaseViewGeneratorImpl |
Generates textual views of the database so other people can use the data.
DataFileFetcher |
ArrayExpress stores files in an FTP site as tarred-gzipped archives.
DataRemovedEvent |
Indicates that a data type (for a specific QuantitationType, possibly new) was removed.
DataReplacedEvent |
Signifies that the data for the experiment was replaced (or filled in) after the experiment was loaded into the
DatasetCombiner |
Class to handle cases where there are multiple GEO dataset for a single actual experiment.
DatasetFetcher |
Retrieve GEO GDS files from the NCBI FTP server.
DataUpdater |
DataUpdaterImpl |
Update or fill in the data associated with an experiment.
DataVector |
An abstract class representing a one-dimensional vector of data about some aspect of an experiment.
DataVectorValueObject |
DefaultHighlighter |
Describable |
DescribableComparator |
DesignElementDataVector |
DesignElementDataVectorDao<T extends DesignElementDataVector> |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysis |
An analysis of changes in expression levels across experimental conditions
DifferentialExpressionAnalysis.Factory |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisConfig |
Holds the settings used for differential expression analysis, and defines some defaults.
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisDao |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisEvent |
Indicates the experiment was the subject of a differential expression analysis.
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisHelperService |
Service methods to do database-related work for differential expression analysis
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisHelperServiceImpl |
Transactional methods for dealing with differential expression analyses.
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisRemoveTaskCommand |
Specialized command object for removing analysis results.
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult |
Result of an analysis of differences in expression levels -- a single test (e.g., for one gene or one probe), for one
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult.Factory |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultComparator |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultComparator.Factory |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultListFileService |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultListFileServiceImpl |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultSetValueObject |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultSetVisualizationValueObject |
This class contains data for a column in metaheatmap visualization.
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultValueObject |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisService |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisServiceImpl |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisTask |
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisTaskCommand |
A command object to be used by spaces.
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisTaskImpl |
A differential expression analysis spaces task
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisUtil |
A helper class for the differential expression analyzers.
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisValueObject |
Summary of a differential expression analysis
DifferentialExpressionAnalyzerService |
DifferentialExpressionAnalyzerServiceImpl |
Differential expression service to run the differential expression analysis (and persist the results using the
appropriate data access objects).
DifferentialExpressionAnalyzerServiceImpl.AnalysisType |
Defines the different types of analyses our linear modeling framework supports:
GENERICLM - generic linear regression (interactions are omitted, but this could change)
OSTTEST - one sample t-test
OWA - one-way ANOVA
TTEST - two sample t-test
DifferentialExpressionEvidence |
Deprecated. |
DifferentialExpressionEvidence.Factory |
DifferentialExpressionEvidenceDao |
DifferentialExpressionEvidenceDaoImpl |
DifferentialExpressionFileUtils |
DifferentialExpressionGenesConditionsValueObject |
Represents a complete set of data for a differential expression query over a set of genes x conditions (resultSets x
DifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisValueObject |
A value object with meta analysis results.
DifferentialExpressionResultCache |
Cache for differential expression results.
DifferentialExpressionResultCacheImpl |
Cache for data from differential expression result queries.
DifferentialExpressionResultDao |
DifferentialExpressionResultDaoImpl |
This is a key class for queries to retrieve differential expression results (as well as standard CRUD aspects of
working with DifferentialExpressionResults).
DifferentialExpressionResultService |
Main entry point to retrieve differential expression data.
DifferentialExpressionResultServiceImpl |
DifferentialExpressionSearchTask |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
DifferentialExpressionSearchTaskCommand |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
DifferentialExpressionSearchTaskImpl |
Encapsulates the search for differential expression results, for a set of genes and experiments (which can be
DifferentialExpressionSuitabilityEvent |
Used to indicate the suitability status of an ExpressionExperiment for differential expression analysis.
DifferentialExpressionValueObject |
Represents the results for one probe.
DiffExAnalyzer |
DiffExMetaAnalyzerService |
Used to perform meta-analyses of complete data sets (actually result sets), select the top genes, and potentially
store the results.
DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl |
DiffExMetaAnalyzerTask |
DiffExMetaAnalyzerTaskCommand |
A command object to be used by spaces.
DiffExMetaAnalyzerTaskImpl |
A differential expression meta-analysis space task
DiffExpressionEvidenceValueObject |
DiffExpressionSelectedFactorCommand |
A command object with a selected factor and associated experiment.
DiffExprGeneSearchResult |
Value object for differential expression result for one result - corresponds to the
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResults for one gene in one ResultSet (combined for multiple probes), but represents
only the "selected" analysisResult.
DiffExResultSetSummaryValueObject |
Summary of a result set.
Direction |
Represents the direction of a change e.g.
DoesNotNeedAttentionEvent |
An event that occurs when a curator has validated the entity and indicated that it is "approved".
DoubleVectorValueObject |
Simple wrapper for a double[] that is derived from a DesignElementDataVector.
DummyMailSender |
Mock mail sender for testing.
DumpsValueObject |
EE2CAclQueryUtils |
This class provides a fast-path to AclQueryUtils that uses the denormalized mask for anonymous users.
EhCache24Metrics |
Metrics for Ehcache 2.4 series.
EhcacheConfig |
EhcacheKeyLock |
Eigenvalue |
Eigenvalue.Factory |
Eigenvector |
A right singular vector (a.k.a.
Eigenvector.Factory |
EmailNotificationContext |
author: anton date: 10/02/13
EmptyExpressionMatrix |
Used to make a 'dummy matrix' that has the column information populated.
Ensembl2NcbiValueObject |
Value object that represents a file record line from BioMart as configured with query parameters.
EntityNotFoundException |
Deprecated. |
EntityUtils |
EnvironmentProfiles |
Environment profiles used in the Spring context.
ESearchException |
ESearchXMLParser |
EutilFetch |
EutilFetch.Mode |
EvidenceFilter |
Used to filter values received depending on taxon and privacy chosen
EvidenceSecurityValueObject |
EvidenceSourceValueObject |
EvidenceValueObject<E extends PhenotypeAssociation> |
Parent class of all evidence value objects
ExperimentalDesign |
ExperimentalDesign.Factory |
ExperimentalDesignDao |
ExperimentalDesignDaoImpl |
ExperimentalDesignImporter |
Parse a description of ExperimentalFactors from a file, and associate it with a given ExpressionExperiment.
ExperimentalDesignImporterImpl |
See interface for docs.
ExperimentalDesignService |
ExperimentalDesignServiceImpl |
Spring Service base class for ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExperimentalDesignService , provides
access to all services and entities referenced by this service.
ExperimentalDesignUpdatedEvent |
Describes an event that involved a change of assignment of factor value to bio material, or other changes in the
experimental design.
ExperimentalDesignUtils |
ExperimentalDesignVisualizationService |
ExperimentalDesignVisualizationServiceImpl |
Tools for visualizing experimental designs.
ExperimentalDesignWriter |
ExperimentalEvidence |
Deprecated. |
ExperimentalEvidence.Factory |
ExperimentalEvidenceDao |
ExperimentalEvidenceDaoImpl |
ExperimentalEvidenceValueObject |
Deprecated. |
ExperimentalFactor |
ExperimentFactors are the dependent variables of an experiment (e.g., genotype, time, glucose concentration).
ExperimentalFactor.Factory |
ExperimentalFactorDao |
ExperimentalFactorDaoImpl |
ExperimentalFactorService |
ExperimentalFactorServiceImpl |
ExperimentalFactorValueObject |
ExperimentCoexpressionLink |
Represents coexpression at the level of experiment, referinng to links stored as Gene2GeneCoexpression.
ExperimentExpressionLevelsValueObject |
ExperimentExpressionLevelsValueObject.GeneElementExpressionsValueObject |
ExperimentExpressionLevelsValueObject.VectorElementValueObject |
ExperimentPlatformSwitchHelperService |
Use to finish final transactional step in updating platform
ExpressionAnalysis |
An analysis of one or more ExpressionExperiments
ExpressionAnalysisResultSet |
A group of results for an ExpressionExperiment.
ExpressionAnalysisResultSet.Factory |
ExpressionAnalysisResultSetDao |
ExpressionAnalysisResultSetDaoImpl |
ExpressionAnalysisResultSetFileService |
ExpressionAnalysisResultSetFileServiceImpl |
ExpressionAnalysisResultSetService |
ExpressionAnalysisResultSetServiceImpl |
ExpressionDataBooleanMatrix |
Matrix of booleans mapped from an ExpressionExperiment.
ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix |
A data structure that holds a reference to the data for a given expression experiment.
ExpressionDataDoubleMatrixUtil |
Perform various computations on ExpressionDataMatrices (usually in-place).
ExpressionDataFileService |
ExpressionDataFileServiceImpl |
Supports the creation and location of 'flat file' versions of data in the system, for download by users.
ExpressionDataIntegerMatrix |
Warning, not fully tested.
ExpressionDataMatrix<T> |
Represents a matrix of data from an expression experiment.
ExpressionDataMatrixBuilder |
Utility methods for taking an ExpressionExperiment and returning various types of ExpressionDataMatrices, such as the
processed data, preferred data, background, etc.
ExpressionDataMatrixColumnSort |
Methods to organize ExpressionDataMatrices by column (or at least provide the ordering).
ExpressionDataMatrixRowElement |
Encapsulates information about the row 'label' for a ExpressionDataMatrix.
ExpressionDataMatrixService |
Tools for easily getting data matrices for analysis in a consistent way.
ExpressionDataMatrixServiceImpl |
Tools for easily getting data matrices for analysis in a consistent way.
ExpressionDataStringMatrix |
ExpressionDataSVD |
Perform SVD on an expression data matrix, E = U S V'.
ExpressionDataWriterUtils |
ExpressionExperiment |
ExpressionExperiment.Factory |
ExpressionExperimentAnalysisEvent |
An event involving an ExpressionExperiment
ExpressionExperimentBatchCorrectionService |
ExpressionExperimentBatchCorrectionServiceImpl |
Methods for correcting batch effects.
ExpressionExperimentBatchInformationService |
Provides status of batch information for datasets.
ExpressionExperimentBatchInformationServiceImpl |
ExpressionExperimentBibRefFinder |
ExpressionExperimentDao |
Created by tesarst on 13/03/17.
ExpressionExperimentDaoImpl |
ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject |
ExpressionExperimentFilter |
Methods to handle filtering expression experiments for analysis.
ExpressionExperimentLoadTask |
ExpressionExperimentLoadTaskCommand |
ExpressionExperimentLoadTaskImpl |
ExpressionExperimentMetaFileType |
ExpressionExperimentPlatformSwitchEvent |
The event that this expressionexperiment has had its array design switched (typically to a 'merged' one.
ExpressionExperimentPlatformSwitchService |
Switch an expression experiment from one array design to another.
ExpressionExperimentPrePersistService |
Sets up the array designs before saving an experiment.
ExpressionExperimentPrePersistServiceImpl |
Sets up the array designs, put the designelements in the data vectors.
ExpressionExperimentReportService |
Methods for reading and creating reports on ExpressinExperiments.
ExpressionExperimentReportServiceImpl |
Handles creation, serialization and/or marshaling of reports about expression experiments.
ExpressionExperimentReportTask |
Handles delegation of report generation (to the space, or run locally)
ExpressionExperimentReportTaskCommand |
ExpressionExperimentReportTaskImpl |
ExpressionExperimentSearchService |
ExpressionExperimentSearchServiceImpl |
Handles searching for experiments and experiment sets
ExpressionExperimentService |
ExpressionExperimentService.CharacteristicWithUsageStatisticsAndOntologyTerm |
ExpressionExperimentServiceImpl |
ExpressionExperimentSet |
A grouping of expression studies.
ExpressionExperimentSet.Factory |
ExpressionExperimentSetDao |
ExpressionExperimentSetDaoImpl |
ExpressionExperimentSetService |
ExpressionExperimentSetServiceImpl |
Spring Service base class for ubic.gemma.model.analysis.expression.ExpressionExperimentSetService ,
provides access to all services and entities referenced by this service.
ExpressionExperimentSetValueObject |
ExpressionExperimentSetValueObjectHelper |
ExpressionExperimentSetValueObjectHelperImpl |
This class will handle population of ExpressionExperimentSetValueObjects.
ExpressionExperimentSubSet |
A subset of samples from an ExpressionExperiment
ExpressionExperimentSubSet.Factory |
ExpressionExperimentSubSetDao |
ExpressionExperimentSubSetDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperimentSubSet .
ExpressionExperimentSubSetService |
ExpressionExperimentSubSetServiceImpl |
ExpressionExperimentSubsetValueObject |
ExpressionExperimentUpdateFromGEOEvent |
Indicates that we have updated an expression experiment's information from GEO, after it was already loaded in Gemma.
ExpressionExperimentValueObject |
ExpressionExperimentVectorManipulatingService |
ExpressionExperimentVectorMergeEvent |
Indicates that the "Vector merging" has been done on the associated experiment.
ExpressionPersister |
ExternalDatabase |
ExternalDatabase.Factory |
ExternalDatabaseDao |
ExternalDatabaseDaoImpl |
ExternalDatabases |
ExternalDatabaseService |
ExternalDatabaseServiceImpl |
ExternalDatabaseStatisticsValueObject |
ExternalDatabaseUtils |
Provides convenience methods to provide ExternalDatabases and DatabaseEntries for common cases, such as Genbank.
ExternalDatabaseValueObject |
ExternalFileGeneLoaderService |
ExternalFileGeneLoaderServiceImpl |
Class to provide functionality to load genes from a tab delimited file.
FactorAssociatedAnalysisResultSet<R extends AnalysisResult> |
FactorType |
FactorValue |
The value for a ExperimentalFactor, representing a specific instance of the factor, such as "10 ug/kg" or "mutant"
FactorValue.Factory |
FactorValueBasicValueObject |
Each factorvalue can be associated with multiple characteristics (or with a measurement).
FactorValueComparator |
FactorValueDao |
FactorValueDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.FactorValue .
FactorValueDeletion |
This interface needed to be extracted for factor value deletions in
order to be able to make the methods transactional
FactorValueDeletionImpl |
Handles deletions of a factor values.
FactorValueMigratorService |
FactorValueMigratorService.Migration |
FactorValueMigratorService.MigrationFailedException |
Keep track of the first failed migration when multiple migrations are performed in a single transaction.
FactorValueMigratorService.MigrationResult |
FactorValueMigratorServiceImpl |
Deprecated. |
FactorValueNeedsAttentionEvent |
Indicates that a factor value needs attention.
FactorValueOntologyService |
Ontology service for factor values and their annotations.
FactorValueOntologyService.OntologyStatement |
Represents an ontology statement.
FactorValueOntologyServiceImpl |
FactorValueOntologyUtils |
FactorValueOntologyUtils.Annotation |
FactorValueOntologyUtils.AnnotationIds |
FactorValueOntologyUtils.StatementVisitor<U,E extends Throwable> |
FactorValueService |
FactorValueServiceImpl |
Spring Service base class for FactorValueService , provides access
to all services and entities referenced by this service.
FactorValueUtils |
FactorValueValueObject |
FactorValueVector |
FailedBatchInformationFetchingEvent |
Indicates that the attempt to get batch information failed due to an error.
FailedBatchInformationMissingEvent |
FailedDataReplacedEvent |
Represents a failed data replace.
FailedDifferentialExpressionAnalysisEvent |
FailedLinkAnalysisEvent |
FailedMeanVarianceUpdateEvent |
FailedMissingValueAnalysisEvent |
FailedPCAAnalysisEvent |
FailedProcessedVectorComputationEvent |
FailedSampleCorrelationAnalysisEvent |
FailedToComputeSingularValueDecomposition |
FastaCmd |
Interface representing a class that can retrieve sequences from Blast databases.
FastaParser |
FASTA sequence file parser.
FASTQHeadersPresentButNotUsableException |
Indicates that FASTQ headers were present, but were not in a format that yields usable information on batches.
Fetcher |
Interface for classes that can fetch files from a remote location and copy them to a specified location.
FieldAwareSearchSource |
Search source that can retrieve results matching specific fields.
FileFormatException |
Use to indicate a file format error.
FileService<T> |
Interface for a service that serialize entities.
Filter |
Holds the necessary information to filter an entity with a property, operator and right-hand side value.
Filter.Operator |
FilterConfig |
Holds settings for filtering.
FilterCriteriaUtils |
FilteringDao<O extends Identifiable> |
Interface for filtering-capable DAO.
FilteringException |
FilteringService<O extends Identifiable> |
Interface for filtering-capable services.
FilteringVoEnabledDao<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
Interface for VO-enabled DAO with filtering capabilities.
FilteringVoEnabledService<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
Interface VO-enabled service with filtering capabilities.
FilterQueryUtils |
Filters |
Represents a conjunction of disjunctions of Filter .
FiltersUtils |
FreeTextExpressionExperimentResultsValueObject |
FreeTextGeneResultsValueObject |
FtpArchiveFetcher |
Fetcher that can fetch archives (e.g., tar.gz) and unpack them.
FtpFetcher |
Download files by FTP.
Geeq |
Represents quality information about a data set.
GeeqAdminValueObject |
Represents administrative geeq information.
GeeqDao |
GeeqDaoImpl |
GeeqEvent |
GeeqService |
GeeqService.ScoreMode |
Modes for filling GEEQ scores.
GeeqServiceImpl |
GeeqValueObject |
Represents publicly available geeq information
GemmaOntologyService |
Ontology created for Gemma.
GemmaRestApiClient |
A minimalist client for accessing Gemma's RESTful API.
GemmaRestApiClient.DataResponse |
GemmaRestApiClient.EmptyResponse |
For endpoints that return no data (i.e.
GemmaRestApiClient.ErrorResponse |
For endpoints that may return an error.
GemmaRestApiClient.ErrorResponse.Error |
GemmaRestApiClient.Response |
GemmaRestApiClientException |
GemmaRestApiClientImpl |
GemmaRestOnly |
Indicate that a property or type is only visible not visible outside of Gemma REST.
GemmaSessionBackedValueObject |
GemmaWebOnly |
Indicate that a property is exclusively used for Gemma Web.
Gene |
Represents a functionally transcribed unit in the genome, recognized by other databases (NCBI, Ensembl).
Gene.Factory |
Gene2CsStatus |
Used to store information about what happened when the GENE2CS table was updated.
Gene2GeneAssociation |
Entity representing a relationship between two genes.
Gene2GeneCoexpression |
Represents coexpression of a pair of genes.
Gene2GeneIdAssociation |
Entity representing a relationship between two genes identified by ID, rather than by the Gene entity (for efficiency
Gene2GOAssociation |
Gene2GOAssociation.Factory |
Gene2GOAssociationDao |
Gene2GOAssociationDaoImpl |
Gene2GOAssociationService |
Gene2GOAssociationServiceImpl |
GeneAlias |
GeneAlias.Factory |
GeneAliasDao |
GeneAliasDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.genome.gene.GeneAlias .
GeneCoexpressedGenes |
Important: this is slightly misnamed, since it potentially includes links that have support of zero.
GeneCoexpressionNodeDegree |
Represents the coexpression node degree for a gene summarized across experiments, at each level of support.
GeneCoexpressionNodeDegree.Factory |
GeneCoexpressionNodeDegreeValueObject |
Represents a GeneCoexpressionNodeDegree
GeneCoexpressionSearchService |
Provides access to Gene2Gene links.
GeneCoexpressionSearchServiceImpl |
GeneCoexpressionTestedIn |
Tracks the datasets in which coexpression for a gene has been tested.
GeneCoreService |
core service for Gene
GeneDao |
GeneDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type Gene .
GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysis |
Represents an analysis that combines the results of other analyses of differential expression.
GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysis.Factory |
GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisDetailValueObject |
GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResult |
GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResult.Factory |
GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResultValueObject |
GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisSummaryValueObject |
GeneDifferentialExpressionService |
GeneDifferentialExpressionServiceImpl |
GeneDiffExMetaAnalysisDao |
GeneDiffExMetaAnalysisDaoImpl |
GeneDiffExMetaAnalysisHelperService |
GeneDiffExMetaAnalysisHelperServiceImpl |
* @author frances
GeneDiffExMetaAnalysisService |
GeneDiffExMetaAnalysisServiceImpl |
GeneEvidenceValueObject |
Deprecated. |
GeneMappingSummary |
This is a convenience value object to hold a BlatResult and its associated gene products and genes.
GeneMultifunctionalityPopulationService |
Populate/update the gene multifunctionality information in the system.
GeneMultifunctionalityPopulationServiceImpl |
Compute gene multifunctionality and store it in the database.
GeneOntologySearchSource |
GO-based search source.
GeneOntologyService |
GeneOntologyServiceImpl |
GeneOntologyServiceImpl.GOAspect |
GeneOntologyTermValueObject |
GeneOntologyUtils |
GeneProduct |
GeneProduct.Factory |
GeneProductDao |
GeneProductDaoImpl |
GeneProductService |
GeneProductServiceImpl |
GeneProductValueObject |
GeneralType |
GenericCuratableDao |
Service that simplifies operation with curatable entities of unknown types.
GenericCuratableDaoImpl |
GenericEvidence |
Deprecated. |
GenericEvidence.Factory |
GenericEvidenceDao |
GenericEvidenceDaoImpl |
GenericEvidenceValueObject |
GenericExperiment |
Deprecated. |
GenericExperiment.Factory |
GenericExperimentDao |
GenericExperimentDaoImpl |
GenericMeterRegistryConfigurer |
Attach all the given MeterBinder to the registry.
GenericScanFileDateExtractor |
Looks through text file looking for a date near the top of the file in a reasonable format.
GenericStreamConsumer |
GeneSearchService |
Service for searching genes (and gene sets)
GeneSearchServiceImpl |
Service for searching genes (and gene sets)
GeneService |
GeneServiceImpl |
GeneSet |
A grouping of genes that share a common relationship
GeneSet.Factory |
GeneSetDao |
The interface for managing groupings of genes.
GeneSetDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.genome.gene.GeneSet .
GeneSetMember |
GeneSetMember.Factory |
GeneSetMemberDaoImpl |
GeneSetSearch |
GeneSetSearchImpl |
GeneSetService |
Service for managing gene sets
GeneSetServiceImpl |
Service for managing gene sets
GeneSetValueObject |
Represents a Gene group gene set
GeneSetValueObjectHelper |
* @author tvrossum
GeneSetValueObjectHelperImpl |
This class will handle population of GeneSetValueObjects.
GeneTestedInCache |
Cache of the 'tested-in' information for genes.
GeneTestedInCacheImpl |
GeneValueObject |
GenomePersister |
GeoBrowser |
Gets records from GEO and compares them to Gemma.
GeoBrowserService |
GeoBrowserServiceImpl |
This is marked as Lazy since we don't use it outside Gemma Web, so it won't be loaded unless it's needed.
GeoChannel |
Represents data for one channel on a microarray in GEO.
GeoChannel.ChannelMolecule |
GeoConstants |
Constants used to help decipher GEO data files.
GeoContact |
GeoConverter |
GeoConverterImpl |
Convert GEO domain objects into Gemma objects.
GeoData |
Abstract class from which other GEO objects are descended.
GeoDataset |
A GEO-curated dataset.
GeoDataset.ExperimentType |
GeoDataset.PlatformType |
GeoDataset.SampleType |
GeoDataset.ValueType |
GeoDomainObjectGenerator |
Handle fetching and parsing GEO files.
GeoDomainObjectGeneratorLocal |
GEO object generator that works on local files.
GeoFamilyParser |
Class for parsing GSE and GDS files from NCBI GEO.
GeoFetcher |
GeoParseResult |
This simply holds the results obtained from parsing.
GeoPlatform |
Bean describing a microarray platform in GEO
GeoRecord |
Used to contain GEO summary information from the 'Browse' views.
GeoReplication |
Represents a group of samples that were replicated.
GeoReplication.ReplicationType |
Permitted types of replication.
GeoSample |
Represents a sample (GSM) in GEO.
GeoSample.LibraryStrategy |
GeoSampleCorrespondence |
Holds information about GEO samples that "go together" across datasets (GDS), because they came from the same sample
(or so we infer)
GeoSeries |
Represents a set of GEO samples that were submitted together.
GeoSeries.SeriesType |
GeoService |
GeoServiceImpl |
Non-interactive fetching, processing and persisting of GEO data.
GeoSubset |
Represents a subset of samples.
GeoUtil |
GeoValues |
Class to store the expression data prior to conversion.
GeoVariable |
A GeoVariable represents variables which were investigated.
GeoVariable.VariableType |
Permitted descriptions of terms.
getOntologyTermFormatter |
GOEvidenceCode |
This enumeration was originally based on GO, but is used for all entities that have evidenciary aspects; Thus it has
been expanded to include: Terms from RGD (rat genome database)
IED = Inferred from experimental data
IAGP = Inferred from association of genotype and phenotype
IPM = Inferred from phenotype manipulation
QTM = Quantitative Trait Measurement
And our own custom code IIA which means Inferred from Imported Annotation to distinguish IEAs that we ourselves have
See for documentation of GO evidence codes.
GOGroupValueObject |
GoldenPath |
Perform useful queries against GoldenPath (UCSC) databases.
GoldenPathQuery |
GoldenPathSequenceAnalysis |
Using the Goldenpath databases for comparing sequence alignments to gene locations.
GoMetric |
GoMetric.Metric |
GoMetricImpl |
GroupAuthority |
Authority for groups (kind of like a "user role", but for group-based authorization)
GroupAuthority.Factory |
GroupAuthorityImpl |
H2Dialect |
Hibernate4Metrics |
Metrics for Hibernate 4.
Hibernate4QueryMetrics |
Query metrics for Hibernate 4.
HibernateSearchException |
HibernateSearchSource |
Search source based on Hibernate Search.
HibernateUtils |
Highlighter |
Custom highlighter for search results.
HikariCPMetrics |
HitListSize |
The number of probes meeting a given q-value threshold in the result set.
HitListSize.Factory |
HomologeneFetcher |
Grabs urls like ftp:///
HomologeneService |
HomologeneServiceFactory |
HomologeneServiceImpl |
Reads in the homologene list as specified in the file.
HttpArchiveFetcherInterface |
Interface for downloading via http files and unarchiving them
HttpFetcher |
A generic class for fetching files via HTTP and writing them to a local file system.
HumanCoexpressionSupportDetailsImpl |
HumanExperimentCoexpressionLinkImpl |
HumanGeneCoExpression |
HumanGeneCoExpression.Factory |
HumanGeneCoExpressionImpl |
IdArray |
Represents a set of IDs for entities (e.g., genes or experiments), stored in a bitSet.
IdArrayValueObject |
Identifiable |
Created by tesarst on 31/05/17.
IdentifiableUtils |
IdentifiableValueObject<O extends Identifiable> |
Base implementations for value objects representing persistent objects
IgnoreAudit |
Mark a DAO method as ignored for auditing.
IlluminaProbeReader |
Parse an Illumina "manifest.txt" file (tab-delimited).
Image |
allen brain Atlas Image class.
ImageSeries |
Represents the ImageSeries information returned from the AIBS brain atlas
IncludedResultSetInfoValueObject |
IndexerService |
Indexer service.
IndexerServiceImpl |
IndexerTask |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
IndexerTaskCommand |
IndexerTaskImpl |
InferredQuantitationMismatchException |
Exception raised when the quantitation of an ExpressionDataMatrix does not agree with the one inferred.
InitialDataPopulator |
Populate some initial data for tests.
InsufficientDataException |
Used to indicate that analysis was skipped, not necessarily an error.
InsufficientProbesException |
InsufficientSamplesException |
Investigation |
An abstract concept of a scientific study
IOExceptionWithRetry |
JobInfo |
JobInfo.Factory |
JsonFileService<T> |
Interface for service that provides JSON serialization.
Keyword |
Keyword.Factory |
LazyInitByDefaultPostProcessor |
Mark beans as lazy-init by default.
LinearModelAnalyzer |
Handles fitting linear models with continuous or fixed-level covariates.
LineMapParser<K,T> |
The difference between this class and BasicLineMapParser is more flexibility in how keys are provided.
LineParser<T> |
A Parser that processes its input line-by-line.
LinkAnalysis |
Handles the actual coexpression analysis, once handed data that has been prepared.
LinkAnalysisConfig |
Holds parameters needed for LinkAnalysis.
LinkAnalysisConfig.NormalizationMethod |
LinkAnalysisConfig.SingularThreshold |
Configures whether only one of the two thresholds should be used.
LinkAnalysisEvent |
Computing coexpression links for an expression experiment
LinkAnalysisPersister |
Handles the persistence phase of a Link analysis.
LinkAnalysisPersisterImpl |
Handles moving gene coexpression links from memory into the database; updates related meta-data.
LinkAnalysisService |
LinkAnalysisServiceImpl |
Running link analyses through the spring context; will persist the results if the configuration says so.
LinkAnalysisTaskCommand |
Command object for Link analysis
LinkAnalysisTaskImpl |
LinkCreator |
Helper class to use for generating the link objects for persistence.
ListUtils |
Utilities and algorithms for List .
LiteratureEvidence |
Deprecated. |
LiteratureEvidence.Factory |
LiteratureEvidenceDao |
LiteratureEvidenceDaoImpl |
LiteratureEvidenceValueObject |
LocalDatasetFetcher |
Used for testing, but might have other uses, to fetch GEO data from local files instead of the GEO website.
LocalFile |
Not a persistent entity
LocalFile.Factory |
LocalSeriesFetcher |
A fetcher that only looks locally for "family" files (GPLXXX_family, GSEXXX_family).
LocalSessionFactoryBean |
LuceneHighlighter |
Highlighter with additional capabilities for Lucene.
LuceneParseSearchException |
LuceneQueryUtils |
Utilities for parsing search queries using Lucene.
MailEngine |
MailEngineImpl |
MakePrivateEvent |
MakePublicEvent |
ManualAnnotationEvent |
ManualAuthenticationServiceBasedSecurityContextFactory |
Creates a security context using manual authentication.
MatrixRowPairAnalysis |
MatrixWriter |
MeanVarianceRelation |
MeanVarianceRelation.Factory |
MeanVarianceService |
Responsible for returning the coordinates of the experiment's Mean-Variance relationship.
MeanVarianceServiceHelper |
MeanVarianceServiceImpl |
Manage the mean-variance relationship.
MeanVarianceUpdateEvent |
Measurement |
Measurement.Factory |
MeasurementKind |
MeasurementType |
MeasurementValueObject |
MedicalSubjectHeading |
MedicalSubjectHeading.Factory |
MeterRegistryEhcacheConfigurer |
Add metrics from each available Ehcache in the given CacheManager to the supplied meter registry.
MissingResult |
Represents a gene that was not tested.
MissingValueAnalysisEvent |
Computing missing values for an expression experiment
MondoOntologyService |
MouseCoexpressionSupportDetailsImpl |
MouseExperimentCoexpressionLinkImpl |
MouseGeneCoExpression |
MouseGeneCoExpression.Factory |
MouseGeneCoExpressionImpl |
Multifunctionality |
Multifunctionality.Factory |
MySQL57InnoDBDialect |
NcbiEntityResolver |
Resolve a bunch of NCBI DTDs in the classpath.
NCBIGene2Accession |
NcbiGene2AccessionParser |
Class to parse the NCBI gene2accession files.
NCBIGene2GOAssociationLoader |
NCBIGene2GOAssociationParser |
This parses GO annotations from NCBI.
NcbiGeneConverter |
Convert NCBIGene2Accession objects into Gemma Gene objects with associated GeneProducts.
NcbiGeneData |
Simple helper data structure that stores an NcbiGeneInfo and its associated
NcbiGene2Accession elements.
NcbiGeneDomainObjectGenerator |
Combines information from the gene2accession and gene_info files from NCBI Gene.
NcbiGeneEnsemblFileParser |
NCBIGeneFileFetcher |
Class to download files for NCBI gene.
NcbiGeneHistory |
Represents the information from the "gene_history" file from NCBI (for one gene's history).
NcbiGeneHistoryParser |
Parse the NCBI "gene_history" file.
NCBIGeneInfo |
NCBIGeneInfo.GeneType |
See unknown (0)
, 36
NCBIGeneInfo.NomenclatureStatus |
NcbiGeneInfoParser |
Class to parse the gene_info file from NCBI Gene.
NcbiGeneLoader |
Load or update information about genes from the NCBI Gene database.
NCBIUtil |
NeedsAttentionEvent |
Indicates that previous validation is being invalidated
NetDatasourceUtil |
Helper methods to get FTP connection.
NonPersistentNonOrderedCoexpLink |
Wrapper object used to track and eliminate duplicates.
NonRetainedResult |
Represents a gene that was tested, but the result wasn't significant.
NonUniqueQuantitationTypeByNameException |
Exception raised when retrieving a non-unique QT by name.
NoRowsLeftAfterFilteringException |
This is a special kind of preprocessing exception that occurs when filtering the expression data matrix result in no
rows left.
NotTroubledStatusFlagEvent |
This event type resets the trouble flag of curation details of a curatable object.
OntologyHighlighter |
Highlighter specialized for ontology terms.
OntologyIndividualSimple |
OntologyPropertySimple |
OntologySearchSource |
OntologyService |
OntologyServiceFactory<T extends OntologyService> |
OntologyServiceImpl |
Has a static method for finding out which ontologies are loaded into the system and a general purpose find method
that delegates to the many ontology services.
OntologyUtils |
Utilities for working with ontologies.
OtherCoexpressionSupportDetailsImpl |
OtherExperimentCoexpressionLinkImpl |
OtherGeneCoExpression |
OtherGeneCoExpression.Factory |
OtherGeneCoExpressionImpl |
OutlierAnalysisEvent |
OutlierDetails |
Container for details about a proposed outlier
OutlierDetectionService |
OutlierDetectionServiceImpl |
Methods to (attempt to) detect outliers in data sets.
OutlierFlaggingService |
OutlierFlaggingServiceImpl |
Service for removing sample(s) from an expression experiment.
OutlierFoundAnalysisEvent |
OutliersNotFoundAnalysisEvent |
Parser<T> |
Interface for classes that allow parsing of files and streams.
ParserAndLoaderTools |
Utilities to be used by parsers and loaders.
ParseSearchException |
An exception that indicate that the search query could not be parsed.
ParsingStreamConsumer<T> |
PatoOntologyService |
PCAAnalysisEvent |
PearsonMetrics |
A correlation analysis for a given data set, designed for selection of values based on criteria set by the user.
PermissionChangeEvent |
Represents a change in permissions
Persister |
Interface defining the ability to create domain objects in bulk or singly.
PersisterHelper |
PersisterHelperImpl |
A service that knows how to persist Gemma-domain objects.
Person |
PersonDao |
PersonDaoImpl |
PhenotypeAssociation |
Deprecated. |
PhenotypeAssociationConstants |
Deprecated. |
PhenotypeAssociationDao |
PhenotypeAssociationDaoImpl |
deals with all basic queries used by Neurocarta
PhenotypeAssociationManagerService |
Deprecated. |
PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl |
Deprecated. |
PhenotypeAssociationPublication |
Deprecated. |
PhenotypeAssociationPublication.Factory |
PhenotypeAssociationService |
PhenotypeAssociationServiceImpl |
Service responsible for low level operations, used by PhenotypeAssociationManagerServiceImpl
PhenotypeAssoManagerServiceHelper |
Deprecated. |
PhenotypeAssoManagerServiceHelperImpl |
Deprecated. |
PhenotypeAssoOntologyHelper |
Deprecated. |
PhenotypeAssoOntologyHelperImpl |
Deprecated. |
PhenotypeAssPubValueObject |
PhenotypeGroupValueObject |
PhenotypeMappingType |
Deprecated. |
PhenotypeValueObject |
PhysicalLocation |
PhysicalLocation.Factory |
PhysicalLocationValueObject |
A very simple value object to represent a physical location
PlatformFetcher |
Fetch GEO "GPLXXX_family.soft.gz" files
Pointcuts |
General-purpose pointcuts to recognize CRUD operations etc.
PolymerType |
PreparedCoexMatrices |
Helper class for sample coexpression analysis.
PreprocessExperimentTask |
A "processed expression data vector create" task
PreprocessingException |
Allows us to catch preprocessing errors and handle them correctly.
PreprocessorService |
Encapsulates steps that are done to expression data sets after they are loaded and experimental design curated.
PreprocessorServiceImpl |
PreprocessTaskCommand |
Command object for processing data vectors.
PreprocessTaskImpl |
PrimitiveType |
Primitive storage types for data vectors.
PrincipalComponentAnalysis |
PrincipalComponentAnalysis.Factory |
PrincipalComponentAnalysisDao |
PrincipalComponentAnalysisDaoImpl |
PrincipalComponentAnalysisService |
PrincipalComponentAnalysisServiceImpl |
ProbeLoading |
Only stored for some of the probes (e.g.
ProbeLoading.Factory |
ProbeMapper |
ProbeMapperConfig |
Holds parameters for how mapping should be done.
ProbeMapperImpl |
Provides methods for mapping sequences to genes and gene products.
ProbeMapUtils |
ProbeSequenceParser |
Parse probes from a tabular file.
ProcessedExpressionDataVector |
Represents the processed data that is used for actual analyses.
ProcessedExpressionDataVector.Factory |
ProcessedExpressionDataVectorDao |
ProcessedExpressionDataVectorDao.RankMethod |
ProcessedExpressionDataVectorDaoImpl |
ProcessedExpressionDataVectorService |
ProcessedExpressionDataVectorServiceImpl |
ProcessedVectorComputationEvent |
Computation of the "processed" expression data with the ranking (by 'expression level') information filled in, for an
Expression Experiment
ProfilingConfig |
ProgressData |
ProgressUpdateAppender |
This appender is used by remote tasks to send progress notifications to the webapp.
ProgressUpdateAppender.ProgressUpdateCallback |
Callback used to emit progress updates.
ProgressUpdateAppender.ProgressUpdateContext |
PropertyMapping |
Represents a mapping between a query/criteria property and some original property space.
PropertyMappingUtils |
PropertySourcesConfiguration |
Protocol |
Protocol.Factory |
ProtocolDao |
ProtocolDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type Protocol .
ProtocolService |
ProtocolServiceImpl |
PubMedSearch |
Search PubMed for terms, retrieve document records.
PubMedService |
Manage the loading of large numbers of pubmed entries into the database.
PubMedXMLFetcher |
Class that can retrieve pubmed records (in XML format) via HTTP.
PubMedXMLParser |
Simple class to parse XML in the format defined by
PvalueDistribution |
PvalueDistribution.Factory |
QuantileNormalizer<R,C> |
Perform quantile normalization on a matrix, as described in:
QuantitationMismatchException |
QuantitationMismatchPreprocessingException |
QuantitationType |
QuantitationType.Factory |
QuantitationTypeConversionException |
QuantitationTypeDao |
QuantitationTypeDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
QuantitationType .
QuantitationTypeParameterGuesser |
Has the unpleasant task of figuring out what the quantitation type should look like, given a description and name
QuantitationTypeService |
QuantitationTypeServiceImpl |
QuantitationTypeValueObject |
QueryUtils |
QueuingParser<T> |
Defines a class that produces object that can be consumed by other classes.
RankComputationEvent |
For backwards compatibility only.
RatCoexpressionSupportDetailsImpl |
RatExperimentCoexpressionLinkImpl |
RatGeneCoExpression |
RatGeneCoExpression.Factory |
RatGeneCoExpressionImpl |
RawAndProcessedExpressionDataVectorDao |
RawAndProcessedExpressionDataVectorDaoImpl |
RawAndProcessedExpressionDataVectorService |
RawAndProcessedExpressionDataVectorServiceImpl |
RawDataFetcher |
Retrieve and unpack the raw data files for GEO series.
RawExpressionDataVector |
Data for one design element, across one or more bioassays, for a single quantitation type.
RawExpressionDataVector.Factory |
RawExpressionDataVectorDao |
RawExpressionDataVectorDaoImpl |
RawExpressionDataVectorService |
RawExpressionDataVectorServiceImpl |
Provides methods that can be applied to both RawExpressionDataVector and ProcessedExpressionDataVector
RecordParser<T> |
Abstract record-based parser.
ReferenceAssociation |
An association between a BioSequence and a GeneProduct based on external database identifiers.
ReferenceAssociation.Factory |
ReferenceAssociationDao |
ReferenceAssociationDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ReferenceAssociation .
RelationshipPersister |
Persist objects like Gene2GOAssociation.
ReleaseDetailsUpdateEvent |
Event triggered when the release details of a Versioned entity are
RepeatScan |
Scan sequences for repeats
Reporter |
A "probe" (Affymetrix); for other types of arrays, there is no practical distinction between compositesequences and
reporters, and all analysis would take place at the level of CompositeSequences.
Reporter.Factory |
ResetSuitabilityForDifferentialExpressionAnalysisEvent |
Used to indicate that the suitability status of an experiment is the default.
Retryable |
Indicate that the method should be retried on failure.
RetryLogger |
Provide logging when an operation has failed and is being retried.
RowLevelFilter |
RowLevelFilter.Method |
RowMissingValueFilter |
Filter out rows that have "too many" missing values.
RowsWithSequencesFilter |
Remove rows that have no BioSequence associated with the row.
SampleCoexpressionAnalysis |
The 'analysis' in the name is a bit of a stretch here, as this object servers purely as an aggregator
of all the sample coexpression matrices.
SampleCoexpressionAnalysisService |
SampleCoexpressionAnalysisServiceImpl |
Manage the "sample correlation/coexpression" matrices.
SampleCoexpressionMatrix |
Holds the data of the sample coexpression matrix
SampleCoexpressionRelatedPreprocessingException |
Exception raised in preprocessing when there is a problem with sample coexpression analysis.
SampleCorrelationAnalysisEvent |
SampleRemovalEvent |
Event used when a sample is removed from an experiment (typically due to QC concerns or when marked as an outlier).
SampleRemovalReversionEvent |
Indicates that samples that were previously removed have been "put back", e.g.
ScaleType |
ScanDateExtractor |
Generic interface for classes that extract scan dates from raw data files.
ScoreValueObject |
SDRFFetcher |
Fetch the SRDF file
SearchException |
Exception raised by the SearchService when the search could not be performed.
SearchResult<T extends Identifiable> |
Represents an individual search result.
SearchResultDisplayObject |
Object to store search results of different classes in a similar way for displaying to user (ex: enables genes and
gene sets to be entries in the same combo box) object types handled are: Gene, GeneSet, GeneSetValueObject,
ExpressionExperiment and ExpressionExperimentSet SearchObject is also handled if the object it holds is of any of
those types for a gene or experiment, the memberIds field is a collection just containing the object's id.
SearchResultSet<T extends Identifiable> |
This is a special kind of set designed for holding SearchResult .
SearchService |
SearchService.SearchResultMap |
SearchServiceImpl |
This service is used for performing searches using free text or exact matches to items in the database.
SearchSettings |
Configuration options for searching.
SearchSettings.SearchMode |
SearchSettingsUtils |
SearchSettingsValueObject |
author: anton date: 18/03/13
SearchSource |
Search source that provides SearchResult from a search engine.
SearchTimeoutException |
Securable |
SecurableBaseImmutableService<C extends Securable> |
SecurableBaseReadOnlyService<C extends Securable> |
SecurableBaseService<C extends Securable> |
A base service for securable entities.
SecurableBaseVoEnabledService<C extends Securable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<C>> |
SecurableFilteringVoEnabledService<C extends Securable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<C>> |
A base service for securable entities with filtering and VO capabilities.
SecuredChild |
SecuredNotChild |
SequenceBinUtils |
Used to assign a bin to a chromosome location, identify bins for a range, or to generate SQL to add to a query on a
GoldenPath database.
SequenceManipulation |
Convenient methods for manipulating BioSequences and PhysicalLocations
SequenceSimilaritySearchResult |
SequenceType |
SequenceTypeValueObject |
SequenceWriter |
Tools for writing biosequences to files so they can be analyzed by external tools, and then read back into Gemma.
SeriesFetcher |
ServiceBasedEntityConverter<O extends Identifiable> |
ServiceBasedValueObjectConverter<O extends Identifiable,VO extends IdentifiableValueObject<O>> |
Perform conversion to value object by entity, ID and collections of entities and IDs and also to entity by ID and
collection of IDs.
SessionBoundExpressionExperimentSetValueObject |
SessionBoundGeneSetValueObject |
Settings |
SettingsConfig |
Beans declaration for making the settings available via the Spring Environment and placeholder substitution.
SFARIIntermediateFileParser |
Deprecated. |
SFARILineInfo |
Deprecated. |
ShellDelegatingBlat |
Class to manage the gfServer and run BLAT searches.
ShellDelegatingBlat.BlattableGenome |
SimpleExpressionDataLoaderService |
Load experiment from a flat file.
SimpleExpressionDataLoaderServiceImpl |
Convert a simple matrix and some meta-data into an ExpressionExperiment.
SimpleExpressionExperimentMetaData |
Represents the basic data to enter about an expression experiment when starting from a delimited file of data
SimpleFastaCmd |
Simple implementation of methods for fetching sequences from blast-formatted databases, using blastdbcmd (aka
SimpleHTMLFormatter |
A safer substitute for SimpleHTMLFormatter that escape existing HTML tags
and use lowercase <b> tags.
SimpleMarkdownFormatter |
SimpleThreadFactory |
A simple thread factory based on a preferably unique thread name prefix.
SimpleTreeValueObject |
SingleBatchDeterminationEvent |
Indicates that we got batch information, but there was (as far as we can tell) just one batch.
SingleExperimentAnalysis |
SingleExperimentAnalysisDao<T extends SingleExperimentAnalysis> |
SingleExperimentAnalysisDaoBase<T extends SingleExperimentAnalysis> |
SingleExperimentAnalysisService<T extends SingleExperimentAnalysis> |
Interface for analysis service manipulating single experiments.
SingletonBatchesException |
Indicates that batches with only a single sample were found, which means we don't form batches at all.
SingletonBatchInvalidEvent |
Indiates that there was at least one batch with only one sample.
Slice<O> |
Represents a slice of List .
SlicedDoubleVectorValueObject |
Sort |
Represents a directed sort by a property.
Sort.Direction |
Direction of the sort.
SourceDomainObjectGenerator |
SpearmanMetrics |
Subclass that computes correlations using ranks.
SplitExperimentService |
TODO Document Me
SplitExperimentServiceImpl |
Split an experiment into multiple experiments.
SpringContextUtils |
Methods to create Spring contexts for Gemma manually.
StandardQuantitationType |
Statement |
A special kind of characteristic that act as a statement.
Statement.Factory |
StatementDao |
StatementDaoImpl |
StatementValueObject |
StaticCacheKeyLock |
Implementation of the CacheKeyLock interface that uses a static week map to store locks by key.
StopWatchUtils |
Utilities for working with StopWatch .
StopWatchUtils.StopWatchRegion |
SubmittedTask |
Obtained from the TaskRunningService, can be used to monitor status.
SubmittedTask.Status |
SubmittedTasksMaintenance |
SubmittedTaskValueObject |
Subquery |
Represents a subquery right-hand side of a Filter .
Subquery.Alias |
SubqueryMode |
Mode to use when filtering with a subquery.
SubqueryUtils |
SupportDetails |
Represents the datasets in which a link was found in ("supported").
SuspiciousValuesForQuantitationException |
SuspiciousValuesForQuantitationException.SuspiciousValueResult |
SVDException |
Exception raised when the SVD of a given expression data matrix cannot be computed.
SVDRelatedPreprocessingException |
Exception raised if a SVD cannot be computed.
SVDService |
SVDServiceHelper |
Performs Singular value decomposition on experiment data to get eigengenes, and does comparison of those PCs to
factors recorded in the experimental design.
SVDServiceHelperImpl |
Perform SVD on expression data and store the results.
SVDServiceImpl |
Perform SVD on expression data and store the results.
SvdTask |
SvdTaskCommand |
SvdTaskImpl |
SVDValueObject |
Store information about SVD of expression data and comparisons to factors/batch information.
SwissProtParser |
This does a very minimal parse of Swissprot records, just to get mRNAs associated with a single protein.
TableMaintenanceUtil |
TableMaintenanceUtilImpl |
Functions for maintaining the database.
Task<C extends TaskCommand> |
TaskCommand |
This command class is used to allow communication of parameters for a task between a client and task running service,
which might be on a different computer.
TaskMailUtils |
TaskMailUtilsImpl |
TaskPostProcessing |
author: anton
date: 10/02/13
TaskPostProcessingImpl |
author: anton date: 10/02/13
TaskResult |
This class describes the result of long-running task.
TaskRunningService |
TaskRunningServiceImpl |
Handles the execution of tasks in threads that can be checked by clients later.
Taxon |
Taxon.Factory |
TaxonDao |
TaxonDaoImpl |
TaxonFetcher |
Taxon information from NCBI comes as a tar.gz archive; only the names.dmp file is of interest.
TaxonLoader |
Load taxa into the system.
TaxonParser |
Parse the "names.dmp" file from NCBI,
TaxonService |
TaxonServiceImpl |
TaxonUtils |
A utility class for taxon.
TaxonValueObject |
TechnologyType |
TestComponent |
This will exclude the component or configuration from component scanning.
TextResourceToSetOfLinesFactoryBean |
Converts a text resource into a set of lines.
Vocabulary for The Gemma Factor Value Ontology (TGFVO).
ThreadPoolExecutorMetrics |
ThreadPoolTaskExecutorMetrics |
ThreePrimeDistanceMethod |
TooSmallDatasetLinkAnalysisEvent |
Indicates that the data set had too few samples or probes to be analyzed (after filtering), and was skipped
Treatment |
Treatment.Factory |
TreeCharacteristicValueObject |
TroubledStatusFlagEvent |
Sets the trouble flag of curation details of any Curatable object.
TsvFileService<T> |
Interface for services that produce TSV serialization.
TwoChannelMissingValueHelperService |
TwoChannelMissingValues |
TwoChannelMissingValuesImpl |
Computes a missing value matrix for ratiometric data sets.
TwoChannelMissingValueTaskCommand |
TwoChannelMissingValueTaskImpl |
Space task for computing two channel missing values.
TypedResultTransformer<T> |
UninformativeFASTQHeadersForBatchingEvent |
Indicates that FASTQ headers were present, but they were not usable for determining batches, typically because of
invalid formatting or lack of information.
Unit |
Unit.Factory |
UnitDao |
UnitDaoImpl |
Base Spring DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.common.measurement.Unit .
UnsuitableForAnalysisException |
UnsuitableForDifferentialExpressionAnalysisEvent |
Indicates that the associated Experiment is NOT suitable for differential expression analysis.
UnsupportedQuantitationScaleConversionException |
Exception raised when data from a given scale cannot be converted to another scale.
UnsupportedRawdataFileFormatException |
Used to indicate failure was due to the format being unusable, but the files are available.
UpdateEEDetailsCommand |
UpdatePubMedCommand |
User |
A user of the software system, who is authenticated.
User.Factory |
UserDao |
UserDaoImpl |
DAO Class: is able to create, update, remove, load, and find objects of type
ubic.gemma.model.common.auditAndSecurity.User .
UserGroup |
An organized group of researchers with an identifiable leader and group members.
UserGroup.Factory |
UserGroupDao |
UserGroupDaoImpl |
UserManager |
Overrides gsec's UserManager to provide Gemma-specific types.
UserManagerImpl |
Implementation for Spring Security, plus some other handy methods.
UserQuery |
UserQuery.Factory |
UserService |
Override a few definition from gsec so that we can use Gemma-specific implementations safely.
UserServiceImpl |
ValidateEvidenceValueObject |
ValueObject |
Annotate class representing value objects.
ValueObjectConfig |
VectorMergingService |
VectorMergingServiceImpl |
Tackles the problem of concatenating DesignElementDataVectors for a single experiment.
Versioned |
Interface implemented by entities that are externally versioned.
VersionedEvent |
Base class for events relating to a Versioned entity.
WhatsNew |
A value object to hold onto the 'new' objects.
WhatsNewService |
Creates reports that can be shown on the web pages or in social media feeds.
WhatsNewServiceImpl |
Service to collect data on object that are new in the system.
XMLUtils |
Handy methods for dealing with XML.
XSDEntityResolver |
Resolves Hibernate XSD schemas from the classpath.