Class PlatformsWebService
- java.lang.Object
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description PlatformsWebService()
Required by springPlatformsWebService(GeneService geneService, ArrayDesignService arrayDesignService, CompositeSequenceService compositeSequenceService, ArrayDesignAnnotationService annotationFileService, PlatformArgService arrayDesignArgService, CompositeSequenceArgService probeArgService)
Constructor for service autowiring
Method Summary
Constructor Detail
public PlatformsWebService()
Required by spring
@Autowired public PlatformsWebService(GeneService geneService, ArrayDesignService arrayDesignService, CompositeSequenceService compositeSequenceService, ArrayDesignAnnotationService annotationFileService, PlatformArgService arrayDesignArgService, CompositeSequenceArgService probeArgService)
Constructor for service autowiring
Method Detail
@GET @Produces("application/json") public FilteredAndPaginatedResponseDataObject<ArrayDesignValueObject> getPlatforms(@QueryParam("filter") @DefaultValue("") FilterArg<ArrayDesign> filter, @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") OffsetArg offset, @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("20") LimitArg limit, @QueryParam("sort") @DefaultValue("+id") SortArg<ArrayDesign> sort)
@GET @Path("/count") @Produces("application/json") public ResponseDataObject<Long> getNumberOfPlatforms(@QueryParam("filter") @DefaultValue("") FilterArg<ArrayDesign> filter)
@GET @Path("/{platform}") @Produces("application/json") public FilteredAndPaginatedResponseDataObject<ArrayDesignValueObject> getPlatformsByIds(@PathParam("platform") PlatformArrayArg platformsArg, @QueryParam("filter") @DefaultValue("") FilterArg<ArrayDesign> filter, @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") OffsetArg offset, @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("20") LimitArg limit, @QueryParam("sort") @DefaultValue("+id") SortArg<ArrayDesign> sort)
Retrieves all datasets matching the given identifiers.- Parameters:
- a list of identifiers, separated by commas (','). Identifiers can either be the ExpressionExperiment ID or its short name (e.g. GSE1234). Retrieval by ID is more efficient.Only datasets that user has access to will be available.
Do not combine different identifiers in one query.
@GET @Path("/blacklisted") @Produces("application/json") @Secured("GROUP_ADMIN") public FilteredAndPaginatedResponseDataObject<ArrayDesignValueObject> getBlacklistedPlatforms(@QueryParam("filter") @DefaultValue("") FilterArg<ArrayDesign> filter, @QueryParam("sort") @DefaultValue("+id") SortArg<ArrayDesign> sort, @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") OffsetArg offset, @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("20") LimitArg limit)
@GET @Path("/{platform}/datasets") @Produces("application/json") public PaginatedResponseDataObject<ExpressionExperimentValueObject> getPlatformDatasets(@PathParam("platform") PlatformArg<?> platformArg, @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") OffsetArg offset, @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("20") LimitArg limit)
Retrieves experiments in the given platform.- Parameters:
- can either be the ArrayDesign ID or its short name (e.g. "GPL1355" ). Retrieval by ID is more efficient. Only platforms that user has access to will be available.offset
- optional parameter (defaults to 0) skips the specified amount of datasets when retrieving them from the database.limit
- optional parameter (defaults to 20) limits the result to specified amount of datasets. Use 0
@GET @Path("/{platform}/elements") @Produces("application/json") public PaginatedResponseDataObject<CompositeSequenceValueObject> getPlatformElements(@PathParam("platform") PlatformArg<?> platformArg, @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") OffsetArg offset, @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("20") LimitArg limit)
Retrieves the composite sequences (elements) for the given platform.- Parameters:
- can either be the ArrayDesign ID or its short name (e.g. "GPL1355" ). Retrieval by ID is more efficient. Only platforms that user has access to will be available.offset
- optional parameter (defaults to 0) skips the specified amount of datasets when retrieving them from the database.limit
- optional parameter (defaults to 20) limits the result to specified amount of datasets. Use 0
@GET @Path("/{platform}/elements/{probes}") @Produces("application/json") public FilteredAndPaginatedResponseDataObject<CompositeSequenceValueObject> getPlatformElement(@PathParam("platform") PlatformArg<?> platformArg, @PathParam("probes") CompositeSequenceArrayArg probesArg, @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") OffsetArg offset, @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("20") LimitArg limit)
Retrieves composite sequences (elements) of the given platform.- Parameters:
- can either be the ArrayDesign ID or its short name (e.g. "GPL1355" ). Retrieval by ID is more efficient. Only platforms that user has access to will be available.probesArg
- a list of identifiers, separated by commas (','). Identifiers can either be the CompositeSequence ID or its name (e.g. AFFX_Rat_beta-actin_M_at).Only elements on platforms that user has access to will be available.
Do not combine different identifiers in one query.
@GET @Path("/{platform}/elements/{probe}/genes") @Produces("application/json") public FilteredAndPaginatedResponseDataObject<GeneValueObject> getPlatformElementGenes(@PathParam("platform") PlatformArg<?> platformArg, @PathParam("probe") CompositeSequenceArg<?> probeArg, @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") OffsetArg offset, @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("20") LimitArg limit)
Retrieves the genes on the given platform element.- Parameters:
- can either be the ArrayDesign ID or its short name (e.g. "GPL1355" ). Retrieval by ID is more efficient. Only platforms that user has access to will be available.probeArg
- the name or ID of the platform element for which the genes should be retrieved. Note that names containing a forward slash are not accepted. Should you need this restriction temporarily lifted, please contact us.offset
- optional parameter (defaults to 0) skips the specified amount of datasets when retrieving them from the database.limit
- optional parameter (defaults to 20) limits the result to specified amount of datasets. Use 0 for no limit.
@GET @Path("/{platform}/annotations") @Produces("text/tab-separated-values; charset=UTF-8") public getPlatformAnnotations(@PathParam("platform") PlatformArg<?> platformArg)
Retrieves the annotation file for the given platform.- Parameters:
- can either be the ArrayDesign ID or its short name (e.g. "GPL1355" ). Retrieval by ID is more efficient. Only platforms that user has access to will be available.- Returns:
- the content of the annotation file of the given platform.