AbstractAnalyzer |
Analyzer base class.
AbstractDifferentialExpressionAnalyzer |
An abstract differential expression analyzer to be extended
AnalysisSelectionAndExecutionServiceImpl |
A differential expression analysis tool that executes the appropriate analysis based on the number of experimental
factors and factor values, as well as the block design.
BaselineSelection |
Utilities for deciding if a factor value is a baseline condition.
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisConfig |
Holds the settings used for differential expression analysis, and defines some defaults.
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisHelperServiceImpl |
Transactional methods for dealing with differential expression analyses.
DifferentialExpressionAnalysisUtil |
A helper class for the differential expression analyzers.
DifferentialExpressionAnalyzerServiceImpl |
Differential expression service to run the differential expression analysis (and persist the results using the
appropriate data access objects).
DifferentialExpressionFileUtils |
DifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisValueObject |
A value object with meta analysis results.
DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl |
DiffExpressionSelectedFactorCommand |
A command object with a selected factor and associated experiment.
GeneDifferentialExpressionServiceImpl |
GeneDiffExMetaAnalysisHelperServiceImpl |
* @author frances
LinearModelAnalyzer |
Handles fitting linear models with continuous or fixed-level covariates.