Class DEDVController

  • @Controller
    public class DEDVController
    extends Object
    Exposes methods for accessing underlying Design Element Data Vectors. eg: ajax methods for visualization
    • Constructor Detail

      • DEDVController

        public DEDVController()
    • Method Detail

      • getDEDV

        public Map<ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperimentValueObject,​Map<Long,​Collection<ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DoubleVectorValueObject>>> getDEDV​(Collection<Long> eeIds,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Collection<Long> geneIds)
        Given a collection of expression experiment Ids and a geneId returns a map of DEDV value objects to a collection of genes. The EE info is in the value object. FIXME handle subsets.
      • getDEDVForDiffExVisualization

        public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForDiffExVisualization​(Collection<Long> eeIds,
                                                                        Collection<Long> geneIds,
                                                                        Double threshold,
                                                                        Collection<ubic.gemma.core.analysis.expression.diff.DiffExpressionSelectedFactorCommand> factorMap)
        AJAX exposed method - for ProbeLevelDiffExGrid, VisualizationDifferentialWindow, DifferentialExpressionAnalysesSummaryTree
        eeIds - FIXME accommodate ExpressionExperimentSubSets. Currently we pass in the "source experiment" so we don't get the slice.
        geneIds - (could be just one)
        threshold - for 'significance'
        factorMap - Collection of DiffExpressionSelectedFactorCommand showing which factors to use.
      • getDEDVForDiffExVisualizationByExperiment

        public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForDiffExVisualizationByExperiment​(Long eeId,
                                                                                    Long geneId,
                                                                                    Double threshold,
                                                                                    Boolean isSubset)
        AJAX exposed method Batch factor value analyses are filtered out; for ProbeLevelDiffExGrid:VisualizationDifferentialWindow.
      • getDEDVForDiffExVisualizationByThreshold

        public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForDiffExVisualizationByThreshold​(Long resultSetId,
                                                                                   Double givenThreshold)
        AJAX exposed method
        resultSetId - The resultset we're specifically interested. Note that this is what is used to choose the vectors, since it could be a subset of an experiment.
        collection of visualization value objects
      • handleRequestInternal

        public ModelAndView handleRequestInternal​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Handle case of text export of the results.