Interface PreprocessorService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PreprocessorService
    Encapsulates steps that are done to expression data sets after they are loaded and experimental design curated.

    This can also be used to 'refresh' everything.

    The following steps are performed:

    1. Deleting old analysis files and results, as these are invalidated by the subsequent steps.S
    2. Computing missing values (two-channel)
    3. Creation of "processed" vectors
    4. Batch-correction
    5. PCA
    6. Computing sample-wise correlation matrices for diagnostic plot
    7. Computing mean-variance data for diagnostic plots
    8. GEEQ scoring
    9. Redoing any DEA (if this is a 'refresh')
    Note that since each step can be replayed and the whole process is lengthy and likely to lock parts of not whole tables, it is marked as Propagation.NEVER to prevent execution within another transaction.